199 . Simkins,
Kitchener’s Army
, cap. 3.
200 . Becker,
Great War and the French People
, pp. 48-63; Hopkin, «Domestic Censorship», pp. 153-155; Deist, «Censorship and Propaganda», pp. 201-204.
201 . Lawrence, Dean, y Robert, «Outbreak of War».
202 . Guinard
et al
, vol. 1, p. 204.
203 . Stone,
Eastern Front
, pp. 123, 216.
204 . Ullrich y Ziemann, eds.,
, p. 114.
205 . Afflerbach,
, p. 194.
206 . Para una buena exposición, Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, cap. 12.
207 . Simkins,
Kitchener’s Army
, cap. 4; Dewey, «Military Recruiting».
Construcción de un nuevo mundo, primavera de 1915-primavera de 1917
1 . Ferguson,
Pity of War
, cap. 10; Kennedy, «Military Effectiveness», p. 345.
2 . Keegan,
Price of Admiralty
, p. 90.
3 . Sobre Verdún: Cruttwell,
History of the Great War
, p. 251; Gilbert,
First World War
, pp. 299-300. Sobre el Somme: Winter,
Haig’s Command
, p. 46.
4 . Stevenson,
, p. 6.
5 . Harrison,
Economics of World War II
, p. 21.
6 . Ferguson,
Pity of War
, p. 320.
La generalización de la guerra
1 . Reynolds, «Origins of the Two ‘‘World Wars’’», pp. 29-33.
2 . Holland, «British Empire», p. 118.
3 . Andrews,
Anzac Illusion
, pp. XIV, 8, 13, 40-41.
4 . Brown y Louis, eds.,
Oxford History of the British Empire
, vol. 4, p. 115; Ferguson,
, p. 303.
5 . Renzi,
Shadow of the Sword
, p. 265.
6 . Nish,
Japanese Foreign Policy
, p. 93.
7 .
., pp. 83-97; Nish,
Alliance in Decline
, cap. 7; Lowe,
Great Britain and Japan
, caps. 6, 7.
8 . Sims,
Political History of Modern Japan
, pp. 115-35; Barnhart,
Japan and the World
cap. 4; Nish, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, cap. 8; Dickinson,
War and National Reinvention
9 . En general: Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, cap. 8; Gottlieb,
Studies in Secret Diplomacy
; Kent, ed.,
Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire
; MacFie,
End of the Ottoman Empire
; Yapp,
Modern Near East
; Yasamee, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, cap. 9.
10 . Heller, «Sir Louis Mallet»; Kurat, «How Turkey Drifted».
11 . Kurat, «How Turkey Drifted», y Trumpener,
Germany and the Ottoman Empire
12 . El mejor relato es el de Renzi,
Shadow of the Sword
.Véanse también Bosworth,
Italy the Least of the Great Powers
; Lowe y Marzari,
Italian Foreign Policy
; Salandra,
Italy and the Great War
; Gottlieb,
Studies in Secret Diplomacy
; Jones, «Antonio Salandra»; Valiani,
End of Austria-Hungary
13 . Beckett,
Great War
, pp. 85-86; Stevenson, ed.,
British Documents
, vol. 2, docs. 273, 274.
14 . Crampton,
; Robbins, «British Diplomacy»; Smith,
Russian Struggle for Power
, pp. 309-335; Silberstein,
, cap. 7.
15 . Vinogradov, «Romania»; Torrey, «Rumania»; Silberstein,
Troubled Alliance
, caps. 8-10; Spector,
, pp. 5-39.
16 . Yasamee, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, p. 229.
17 . En general, Trumpener, en Strachan, ed.,
Oxford Illustrated History
, cap. 6; Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, pp. 680-693; Emin,
, pp. 78 y ss.
18 . Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, pp. 712-729.
19 . Sobre Armenia: Hovanissian,
, y Hovanissian, ed.,
Armenian Genocide
; Walker, «Armenian Genocide»; Dyer, «Turkish “Falsifiers”».
20 . Sobre los Dardanelos, véanse en especial: Travers, «Ottoman Crisis»; Travers,
Gallipoli, 1915
; Rhodes James,
. Para un relato de los hechos, véanse Hamilton,
Gallipoli Diary
; Churchill,
World Crisis
, vol. 2.
21 . Travers,
, p. 229; Aspinall-Oglander,
Military Operations: Gallipoli 1915
, vol. 2, p. 488.
22 . Andrews,
Anzac Illusion
, pp. 51-63.
23 . Ben-Moshe, «Churchill’s Strategic Conception».
24 . Cassar,
French and the Dardanelles
25 . French, «Origins of the Dardanelles Campaign»; French,
British Strategy and War Aims
, caps. 3-5.
26 . Travers,
Gallipoli 1915
, p. 32, corrige fuentes anteriores en este punto; véase también
Karen Kendall
Clea Hantman
James R. Benn
Tad Williams
Neil M. Gunn
Tana French
Tori Spelling
Kasey Millstead, Rebecca Brooke, Vicki Green, Abigail Lee, Shantel Tessier, Nina Levine, Morgan Jane Mitchell, Casey Peeler, Dee Avila
Charlotte Stein
Elizabeth Buchan