“Gayle’s Grocer.”
“I’m in no rush, how about you come in?” I give her a sweet smile and gesture for her to come inside my office. I go to my little fridge and get her a soda out and hand it to her.
“Thank you so much, jeepers… I just ran a couple of blocks from work. I saw a flyer in the job section of the newspaper and I didn’t want to miss this opportunity; I really need a new job.” She wipes the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand while she gulps down most of the soda.
“What’s your name Hun?” I ask as I get seated behind the desk.
Nearly choking on her soda, she wipes her mouth, “Oh! I’m sorry…” She places her hand over the desk for me to shake. “I’m Miracle Valentine, everyone calls me Mira though.” She blushes, I smile at hearing her name, it’s quirky just like her. I shake her hand and grin, just as I’m about to open my mouth to speak she puts up her hands and explains.
“I have no idea what they were thinking naming me that especially with the surname, Valentine . No clue whatsoever.” She smiles but it’s a little off.
“ Well I think it’s beautiful.” My smile only enhances her grin.
“How old are you Mira?” I ask while I push the standard interview questions I had to the side of my desk.
“Just turned eighteen ma’am.” She smiles brightly . The girl is rather plain but those dark green eyes of hers have me fascinated, something about her is familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. She has freckles on her nose and upper cheeks and she has a habit of biting her nails.
“No need to call me ma’am. My name is Harley. So… you’re currently working at Gayle’s grocer?” She looks down at the little logo on her shirt and her entire body tenses.
“Y...yes ma- I mean Harley.” She doesn’t speak further.
“How long have you been working there?” I sit back into my chair hoping my relaxed posture will calm her nerves.
“Since I was fourteen ; I started school a year early so when I finished I was a year younger than all my classmates. I’ve been out of school for almost a year now.” She says softly. She’s completely gone into her shell, not as bubbly as she was when she walked in and she seems totally closed off.
“Why are you looking to work here?”
“Well the pay is better…. obviously and I can’t stand to work there any longer.” She starts picking at her nails.
“ Do they treat you badly?” I know I’m overstepping here but I can’t help the feeling of protectiveness I have for her. She takes a moment as she thinks of an answer. I sit patiently.
“Mrs Gayle was really nice when I started working there , but when she got too old to stay in the shop all day, her uh...” I watch her swallow and stutter nervously, she clears her throat and sits up straight trying to look tough but I can see her trembling.
“When her son started working there things got bad.” She avoids looking at me. I stand up and move to sit in the chair next to her; I take her little hand and hold it tight in mine. Even the bones in her wrist and fingers stick out.
“Did he...” I’m interrupted when Caleb and Hunter come barrelling into my office laughing and clapping each other on the shoulders as if they’re the bestest of friends.
“Oh- I’m sorry babe, thought you’d be done by now.” Caleb looks to Mira.
“Hi, I’m Caleb .” He gestures to Hunter. “This is Hunter.” I feel Mira move closer towards me and the grip on her hand tightens when Caleb sticks his hand out for her to shake. She looks back at me as if seeking approval, I nod and smile. She places her shaking hand in Caleb’s.
Caleb’s smile falters and I look back to see a frown on Hunter’s face. Clearly the boys witnessed the same thing I just did. Mira is petrified of them.
Caleb and Hunter are really b ig guys and after a session in the gym their muscles shine and they tend to look rather intimidating.
“This is Mira babe, she’s our new
Ruth Axtell
Danette Haworth
Kartik Iyengar
Jennifer Wilson
Jon Sourbeer
K.A. Parkinson
Pearl Love
Renee George
Mia Cardine