former Soviet Union in the 1970s turned soldiers and security agents into programmable “human weapons.” They said the psychological weapon project relied on hypnosis and high-frequency radio waves to turn members of the Soviet security forces and military into fearless, conscienceless fighting machines. The Psychotronic Influence System relied on passwords and numbered codes to activate its subjects. After the KGB project’s existence was made public hundreds of former Soviet soldiers, police, and KGB members sought health damages. Not so different sounding from what the Agency was attempting to do to me.
In a 1964 report on MKULTRA programs and participants, the use of children is made quite clear in response to the following,
“Have CIA personnel conducted experiments involving human subjects other than the experiment that involved R Frank Olsen an at least three other persons?
ORD (Office of Research and Development):
The one instance in which ORD personnel have been directly involved in conducting experiments with human subjects occurred in Orlando, Florida during December 1964. The subject allegedly had transdermal optical perception. The tests were observed by a contractor under a classified association contract, which had been funded through the (deleted) Fund. In addition to the contractor, the subject’s father was present during all testing. No drugs were used. With this one exception, all ORD sponsored research involving human subjects has been conducted by contractors.” 120
Wasn’t that nice of them to contract most of the dirty work out? In a 1973 report prepared for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better know as ARPA, an assessment study on paranormal research in the United States and Soviet Union was conducted. 121 Derma-Optics was reported as being studied by the Soviets. It is described as a phenomenon where a subject could sense visual information through tactile skin receptors. They reported an experimental case early in 1960 with Rosa Kuleshova and several children in provincial villages who claimed they had the ability to read printed texts or to identify colors with skin surfaces while blindfolded.
This test in Orlando probably took place so that the U.S. could determine if there was any possibility that these reports were true. I allege they changed the name from Derma-Optics to transdermal for their own identification purposes. Transdermal optical perception could be translated in a couple of more ways. Across the skin of the eye, might mean remote viewing.
Joe McMoneagle, a retired US Army intelligence officer used remote viewing (RV) to go into the mind of Shaw Taylor to see through his eyes in an experiment carried out on The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna (ITV, UK). This method of using RV to enter the brains of other people is called remote sensing. 122 Remote sensing is another term that is used by the ORD when asked about its participation in experiments involving human subjects.
It may also mean ESP experiments, as in seeing through cards etc. In the same document it mentions an experiment that the CIA funded through the Office of Naval Research from 1966-1968 to determine whether unusual sensory processes could be used for intelligence purposes. They described this research as “Extrasensory research that involved the attachment of sensors for recording coincidence of brain waves in three subjects when only one of the three was stimulated by visual, auditory or tactal means.”
Another CIA declassified document from 1969 contains a photocopy of a Bulletin of the William C. Menninger Dream Laboratory at the Maimonides Medical Center. It discusses a research paper done by Dr. Stanley Krippner summarizing the results from 55 experimental nights and 79 pilot nights, in which a single subject and a single agent (who attempted to send a picture) were used in telepathy studies. 123 It also discusses studies to investigate the
David Stuart Davies
Charles L. Grant
Pete Hamill
Connie Stephany
Trice Hickman
Karen Booth
Willow Winters
Terri-Lynne Defino
Patricia Wentworth
Lucy Hay