Accidentally Married

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Book: Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victorine E. Lieske
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from him. “I have news for you. I will be in the bed. You will be on the floor.” She jumped down then fled to the bathroom, her heart pounding.
    It took a few minutes for her hands to stop shaking and her breathing to become normal. She leaned over the sink and splashed water on her face. Sleeping with him was out of the question. She was already becoming too emotionally attached for her own good. If she allowed it, she’d fall in love, and he’d walk away and never look back.
    Becoming involved would only lead to her heart breaking. The bitter pain of feeling used and thrown away. She couldn’t allow it. She’d had enough of that her whole life.
    Her mother was quite practiced in sucking her dry then tossing her out. The only thing her mother knew how to do was take. Take interest, take advantage, then take the nearest exit. Too bad she never learned to take responsibility.
    Saying no to Jared was the right thing to do. Not that she wanted to. His touch sent her over the edge. She could have easily given herself fully to him. But that was the problem. She’d be giving all of herself, and he wouldn’t.
    Her feelings for him were growing. How had she let that happen? And how was she going to pretend this much longer, without getting hurt?
    She pulled on Irene’s pajamas and leaned against the door, unsure of what she should do next.

    A string of curses ran through Jared’s mind as he paced the floor. What had he done? Of all the stupid things, he had to go and ruin everything. Now Madison was locked in the bathroom and probably afraid to come out.
    No wonder. He was such a selfish jerk.
    Obviously he didn’t love her. He’d only known her for three days. You can’t fall in love with someone that fast. Right?
    But her kiss had awakened feelings in him he thought were long dead. Passion and longing that he was having trouble fighting. He hoped she’d felt it too.
    She hadn’t. Or maybe she had, but was being more sensible.
    Madison was right. They couldn’t take their relationship to the next level. They didn’t love each other. And sleeping together would only complicate things.
    He sighed and pulled out the pillow and blanket from the closet. He tossed them on the floor, changed, then turned out the light. The floor seemed harder than the previous night, and he struggled to find a comfortable position.
    The seconds ticked by, with Madison still in the bathroom. No reason to pressure her. He’d wait.
    Finally, the door opened and she snuck over to the bed. She might have thought he was asleep. There were some rustling noises of her settling under the covers, and then silence.
    He felt like such a cad for the way he’d treated her, but unsure of how to broach the subject. “I’m sorry.” It seemed lame, but it was all that came out.
    “I’m sorry, too.” Her voice was quiet.
    Surprise hit him. “What are you sorry for?”
    “For getting us into this mess. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have.”
    Her voice held so much remorse, he felt it, like a wet blanket pressing down on him. And yet, it wasn’t all her fault. He had brought some of it on himself. And she…he hated to admit it, but she had brought a life back into his existence that he had not had in a long time. Because of her, he got out of bed a little earlier. His steps fell a little lighter. His heart beat a little faster.
    She made the world a better place. And he couldn’t stand to see her down.
    “But not sorry for the haiku crap?”
    She laughed, and the mood lightened.
    “You know, you’re forcing me to become a plagiarist. I don’t know the difference between a haiku and a cumquat. I’m going to have to steal one from some poor schmuck on the Internet. I just hope the police don’t find out and arrest me at my wedding.”
    Her laughter came louder now, and he reveled in the sound. “I suppose you could write a limerick instead,” she said between giggles.
    The thought of him reciting a limerick at his wedding made him snort,

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