also knew that looks could be deceiving, which I learned later in life, as I grew up.
The beginning of a new life
After graduating from Stanford University, located in the heart of Northern California and the very popular Silicon Valley, I moved to New York, and started my career with a clothing manufacturer as an entry level designer, which is where I met Jessica Valkner, who is now my very best friend, and after a couple of years, I managed to rent the apartment of my dreams, located just outside of New York, in suburbia. Life seemed very good and was prosperous for me. However, after a number of years of growing and learning, I felt as though I had reached my peak at the company and began to think about owning a clothing business. It was as though a voice inside was saying “You haven’t finished, find your dream.” After all, I’d had several promotions, and not only was I now the head designer, but also the director of marketing, with a large staff, and commanded a very high six figure salary. I remembered what my father once told my mother, “Tennie, that girl’s gonna be something one day.” I kind of laughed and said, “Yes, I will.”
One of my goals in life was to be successful, independent, help take care of my parents in their golden retirement years, own a business and meet a well established professional who was also independent and wanted to love and join forces with someone like me; get married and live happily ever after. I never knew the flip side of love and commitment could be so distorted and ugly, until sometime later.
The wonderful life
I worked for the company ten years and decided I wanted to open a high-end fashion clothing business, and why not, I put my time in and worked very hard dedicating myself to someone else’s company and its success, helping to re-establish, re-build and increase their growth in the marketplace, and felt that it was time to establish myself in a thriving city, that catered to women looking their best.
I don’t want to sound as if the company wasn’t generous or kind to me, because they were, in many ways. I was highly respected, given bonuses, vacationed at fabulous company retreats and given carte blanche to the company plane, as well as a fabulously large expense. What more could a girl ask for? I had just reached a period in my life where I felt it was time to extend and expand my growth, with a whole new me. I had all of the skills and knowledge, training and expertise to do great things. I saved quite a lot of money after remembering my roots and what my mother and father taught me. I gave back to them, to live comfortably in retirement in the home that I grew up in, after having it remodeled to my mother’s specifications and taste, with everyone being very happy and satisfied with the direction our lives had taken.
After searching for eight months, I found an excellent location in downtown New York, which needed some remodeling, but was located near many other upscale shops. I decided to take a three month leave of absence, to work on my plans, remodeling and other marketing material, because I had to be different and offer what the others didn’t.
My very good friend, Jessica, was involved in many aspects in the planning details of my business in the early stage. I could count on her honest opinions, which were many. I had advance knowledge of some of the very best designers (being one myself) and clothing manufacturers, in and out of the country and with Jessica’s knowledge of production, it was a slam dunk. After a lot of hard work, my new boutique was scheduled to open in 90 days; which would be 30 days after my resignation upon returning to work.
Jessica wanted to join me in the business, but I had to clarify that she would be an employee opposed to being a partner, because of our great friendship, I didn’t want either of us to jeopardize it, being aware that some
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