Apartment Seven

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Book: Apartment Seven by Greg F. Gifune Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg F. Gifune
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are the days to come. One or one thousand, they’re all we have…
    Out in the hallway, the old elevator rattled and shook and moaned as it slowly began its growling descent back down into the bowels of the building.
    I kept reading, safe in my dreams awhile, and pretended not to notice.

    About The Author
    Greg F. Gifune is widely considered one the finest writers of his generation. The author of two short story collections and numerous novels, for years his work has been consistently praised by readers and critics alike, and has been translated into several languages and published all over the world. Greg and his wife Carol live in Massachusetts with a bevy of cats and a dog named Dozer. Discover more about Greg’s work at his official website: www.gregfgifune.com or look for him on FaceBook.

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