“You won’t lie to me again?”
I shook my head. “I swear to you.”
“If you need space, you tell me. Just say the words. Don’t make up some bullshit excuse or pull away from me. I don’t like…uncertainty, okay?”
“All right, Soph.”
She stopped in front of me and laid her hands on my chest. She looked up at me nervously. “Okay, then in the spirit of honesty, I need to tell you something.”
“From the look on your face, I’m thinking we should sit down for this.”
She nodded.
I took her hand and led her into the living room. I didn’t let go of her as we both lowered ourselves onto the couch.
She curled her legs up under herself and turned to face me. “That night I was in the city, I did see Jake.”
She stopped to gauge my reaction. I had to grind my teeth to stop myself from showing much of one. Just hearing that asshole’s name made my blood boil. “Okay,” I ground out.
“Tiff would only go to a place she already knew, so we went to a club I knew from my time at college. It was right around the corner from where he and I used to…live together. Anyway, I went out for a smoke and…he saw me.”
She squeezed my hand tightly and looked away.
I shifted closer to her and stroked the back of her head, guiding her eyes back to mine. “It’s okay.”
“He was angry. Angry that I’d left and angry when I wouldn’t take him back. I told him we were done the moment he hit me. He wouldn’t accept that and he thought it was about something else.”
I cocked an eyebrow in surprise. “You told him we slept together?”
“Yeah. I told you; I don’t like secrets,” she snapped, defensively. “Anyway, he tried to hurt me, but a bouncer stopped him. That’s why I came to you and asked you to teach me how to fight. I felt so….”
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “Thank you for telling me, Soph.”
She pulled away. “There’s one more thing.”
I tensed immediately. “Christ, what is it?” I asked, grinning at her. “Do I need to be lying down for this?”
Her eyes lit up and she leaned into me and whispered, “I love you, too.”
Chapter 19
As I approached our secret hidden location in the park, I caught sight of Soph sitting against the trunk of an old oak tree. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and a notebook rested upon them. She clutched a pen in her gloved right hand and it moved across the pages at a furious pace.
“Hey,” I greeted her as I sat down beside her.
She jumped, almost dropping her pen in the process and cocked her head towards me. “Shit, you scared me. I didn’t hear you approach,” she said, slapping her hand over her heart.
I laughed and then I looked her over. She was bundled up in a blue wool coat. A pale gray scarf encircled her neck, matching her pants. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold. With every day that passed, it was getting closer to winter and a hell of a lot colder outside. Too cold to keep meeting outside for our secret lunch rendezvous.
“You were writing?” I asked. “I haven’t seen you do that since you came back here.”
She smiled elatedly. “Yeah, I was. It’s been a long time.”
“How long?”
She broke eye contact with me and shrugged. And then she answered in a small voice, “A little over a year.”
“I…uh…I hadn’t been feeling it.”
“ Hadn’t been feeling it ? It’s who you are. It’s who you’ve always been. Sophie, the writer.”
She struggled to meet my gaze and when she did, I didn’t like what I saw there. Embarrassment, shame and guilt. I knew her too fucking well. “Because of him ? You stopped writing because of him?” It came out a little more abrasive and accusatory than I’d intended it to and her eyes narrowed, her body tensing, readying for a fight.
“It’s complicated,” she snapped, closing her notebook and shoving it into her bag along with her
Alexandra Fuller
Sarina Wilde
Hans Fallada
Kathryn Lasky
Olivia Miles
Kage Baker
Bennett Madison
Gail Koger
Ashley Grace
Charles Arnold