end. It had been… fun . So much fucking fun it was almost like a dream. Like he’d fallen asleep at his desk and would soon wake up with his head resting on a stack of reports, instead of having Maggie at his side.
If that was the case, he didn’t want to wake up. He wanted to stay where he was.
He enjoyed hanging out with Maggie, and if they got up, it would be over. She’d go home, and he’d go home, and he’d be alone in his apartment, like always.
Funny. That didn’t sound as appealing as it had a week ago.
“But still.” He sat back down, his knee brushing against hers. He clenched his jaw. All night long, those accidental touches had been killing him, and she suffered, too. He saw the tension in her growing with each soft touch. He felt it, too. “It’s a respect thing. Gentlemen shouldn’t curse in front of ladies.”
She snorted. “Lucky for you I’m not a lady. I’m just me.”
“Ah, but I disagree.” He turned Maggie’s way, and those gray eyes of hers were glowing with so much life . And, damn it, he wanted to feel that way, too. To remember what it felt like when he’d been…well, himself. “You’re more of a lady, and more deserving of respect, than anyone else I’ve ever met. You’re amazing Maggie, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
She swallowed hard and shifted closer to him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He glanced away, before he did the unthinkable and touched her cheek, or gave up resisting, broke the rules, and kissed her. The worst part was he could see the matching desire burning in her eyes, but she refused to give in. “And I’m sorry for my outburst.”
All his life, he’d been taught to hide his emotions. To never show happiness, fear, or even excitement. For a while, he’d balked against those constraints. He’d been alive . But then his father had died, and all that had changed. Around Maggie, the balance shifted again. Tiny pieces of the real him came out to play.
And it was good to get a portion of himself back.
“It makes me happy, seeing you so…” She set a soft hand on his arm. “Free.”
He couldn’t see it, since he’d refocused on the ice, but he could feel it deep down to his soul. It was as if when she touched him, she somehow made him brighter—which was ridiculous. “I’m not free.”
“And you never will be, with your mother on your back.”
He lifted a shoulder, watching the Zamboni smooth the ice. “It’s fine. She’s just got a set of goals in mind for me, and when I don’t follow through with her plans, she gets upset.”
That, and she hates me—for good reason . But he wouldn’t say that out loud. It would only sound like a pity party, and he didn’t do those.
“I get that,” she said softly. She sipped her beer, also watching the machine as it smoothed away the blemishes in the ice. Too bad they didn’t make those for your life. Benjamin could think of a few incidents he’d like to smooth over, too. Maggie went on. “My ex was like that. Overbearing. Controlling. Irrational.”
He glared down at his beer. “I hope you kicked him to the curb quick.”
“Not quick enough.” She side-eyed him. “Not before I needed a court order against him to make him to leave me alone.”
He growled deep in his throat, not even meaning to. The fact that she’d been scared enough—hurt enough—to need an injunction infuriated him. “What’s his name? I’ll kill him.”
“No need.” She smiled, but it was a sad one. “He did that himself, after writing me a note that told me it was all my fault.”
He swallowed. That kind of history explained so much about her reluctance to let him in. To trust him. Hell, he didn’t blame her. Not after what she’d been through. And the worst part was, Maggie was the kindest person he’d ever met. She didn’t deserve that. “It wasn’t your fault,” he said.
“Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.” She lifted the beer to her lips. “Either way,
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