obvious tenting of his gray slacks. With a knowing glint in his light blue eyes, he handed me my glass. “Charli, another thing I rarely do is suffer from sexual frustration. The only reason that I’m able to tolerate it tonight…” His gaze pointedly went to my chest. “…is that I know you’re suffering the same.”
    Before I could cover my chest, he lifted his glass and went on. “Let’s toast to us—to a week of discovering not only one another but the people we can be when we’re together. Because in the last two hours, the most beautiful and intriguing redhead that I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, has had me saying and doing things that I, L … Nox, don’t, as a rule, do.” He lifted his glass. “To an unforgettable week.”
    Our glasses met with a clinkand we took a sip. The rich, thick liquid warmed my tongue and throat. The aroma reminded me that we weren’t drinking the house red.
    “This is very good.”
    Nox shrugged. “For a California wine. I told you: I have very particular tastes.”
    The way he looked at me, the way his pale stare zeroed in and took my breath, told me that Nox wasn’t talking about wine, not anymore. My insides twisted, and I knew that I wanted to learn more about Nox: his tastes, both for wine and for everything else.
    Chelsea said to stay uncommitted and to learn very little. Nevertheless, as I watched him swallow and his Adam’s apple bob, I wanted more. Unfortunately, anything more than a vacation hookup wouldn’t work with Alex’s future.
    I sighed.
    I had a week as Charli, and I planned to take it.
    Nox reached for my hand. The warmth of his touch was a contrast to the cool air conditioning of the suite. When I looked up, he said, “Just because I’ve made exceptions to my usual behavior doesn’t mean I’m willing to give up on my quest.”
    “Your quest?”
    “At the end of the week, I may not know your last name, but trust me, Charli: I will know every inch of that beautiful body and we will both know your limits.”
    He’d asked me earlier if I believed him. I’d wanted to then. Now I had no doubt. Nox would take me to those limits, but the fact that he wasn’t pushing now made me comfortable enough to simply say, “I believe you.” I tugged his hand. “Let’s go out to my balcony. It’s not as grand as yours and there’s no private pool, but we can hear the ocean.”
    He picked up the bottle and followed me outside.

    “YOU DRANK WINE ? That’s it?” Chelsea asked for the fifteenth time.
    “It doesn’t matter how many times you ask, the answer is still the same.”
    Chelsea eyed me over the rim of her orange juice glass as we ate breakfast.
    “Besides,” I said with an air of superiority. “Where were you until, like, three this morning?”
    She reached for her temples and pushed from both sides. “Do you have to accuse so loudly?”
    I leaned forward. “Babe, I’m whispering.”
    Her head moved from side to side. “No way. You’re yelling. You’re going to get us kicked out of here.”
    I laughed a full-belly laugh. “I hardly think that will be me.”
    “Well,” she said, her hazel eyes darting from side to side. “I may have ordered a few drinks and charged them to our room.”
    “I’m shocked!” I said mockingly.
    “Well, after Mr. Fancy Pants tracked me down, I knew I couldn’t come back to our room.”
    “Nothing happened in our room! And you didn’t tell me that Nox found you.”
    “Found is such an odd word. I was talking to a few new friends and Mr.” She paused. “Nox—is that what you called him?”
    I’d said the name ten times. Obviously, she was still inebriated from the night before. “Yes, it’s a nickname.”
    Her bloodshot eyes widened for a second. “Like Charli? That’s a nickname.”
    “Yes,” I confirmed. “Now tell me more.”
    “Well, it’s kind of fuzzy, but I was in the bar. He came up and asked me a question about my sister. I kind of stuttered.” She leaned

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