a long time and it begins to make me nervous.
“Why did you do that?” he finally asks.
“What?” I shrug.
“Why did you make me your second? Oak is your right hand man, not me.”
I push him to the side of the bar area and wait till Oak and Micky walk off leaving us alone.
“Are you that insecure you can’t believe I wouldn’t want you, my brother at my side? I want us to build this together, me and you, the Blake brothers. To do that, I want you in this with me.”
“So it isn’t a way for you to keep your eye on me?” he smirks.
“There is that as well,” I laugh, “I’ve got your back brother, always have and always will. Look around us, these guys need us like we need them. We can do this together.”
He scans the room and takes it all in. The reality of what we’re going to do hits him and he blinks twice before settling his attention back onto me.
“Too fuckin’ true we can do this, I’m in.”
“Then let’s go drink to the future and take on whatever comes our way.”
Building a future with the club is well on its way and focusing on the guys and the meeting with Denzel takes my mind off of Rayna’s absence. Staying busy to keep my mind off of her is getting harder to achieve and for tonight at least, getting blind drunk should get me through the night without having to stare into the dark night over thinking everything.
It had been two weeks since we met with Denzel and I was starting to believe he was full of shit not having heard from him. That was until two of his guys showed up in Willows Peak to give us instructions of our first job. We were to pick up two vans full of cargo from a warehouse south of the Johnson place and make sure it reached its destination on time and without fail. It sounded simple and not at all what I was expecting. We left that night and was back home within four days. Arriving at the warehouse we were met by Denzel and his men, it wasn’t as simple as I thought. The vans were filled full to the roof with guns of all different models. We needed the cash and with the determination to stay out of trouble, I told myself it would be fine. The thick envelope of cash as our half down payment made it even easier not to ask questions and we were on our way. We made it down south in good time and the drop off went without a hitch. It wasn’t until our ride back to the club that sparked anger for me. As soon as we hit town, the guys wanted to stop off at the diner to get some food before they got back to what we now call the clubhouse and celebrate our first successful job with booze and women. I carried on without them, keeping my word to stay away from Rayna. Of course I wanted nothing less than to go in there and to see her, to make sure she is doing okay amongst other things, to share our good news with her and then maybe celebrate on our own privately. Oak wanted to head back with me but I told him to stay and eat and that I would be fine. Micky, as much as he is my friend, he is still wrapped up in Flo and couldn’t wait to see her again. Then there is Flo, she has been on at me for days to go and see Rayna, telling me at every opportunity how I have hurt her and it is my fault that her best friend is upset.
It is out of respect that I have for Micky I haven’t told her to shut her fucking mouth and that it was in fact Rayna that wanted out, not me. The club is the only constant in my life and therefore my priority.
After the ten grand pay-out from Denzel, the guys have had a taste for money and they all fit in well. This is what my purpose is in life and I won’t leave them to chase a chick who doesn’t want to be here.
“Where shall I put this boss?”
I turn from where I am sitting up the bar to see Benny and one of the other guys hauling a fucking jukebox through the door.
“Where the fuck did you get that, Benny?” I ask, not sure whether I want to shake his hand or slap him. The guys have been on to get music in
Eleanor Prescott
Glynnis Campbell
Mary Pope Osborne
Carrie Daws
S L Grey
Octavia E. Butler
Tiffany King
Lauren Landish
Anthony McGowan
Natalie French, Scot Bayless