opened one eye and grinned. “ Not too close, Myra , else I might believe you want t o kiss me. ”
Myra pulled hersel f back too fast and lost her balance . She toppled over onto the blanket . His laughter ra ng out and she burned with embarrassment.
“ Myra ,” he said in a breathy whisper as he rolled over and poised himself on h is elbows . “Do you think I ’d mi nd if that was true?”
His hand took hers. His thumb caressed the top of her hand from the flesh of her palm and down her wrist. Shivers coursed through her . Her breath became so erratic it felt like she might pant . Myra pulled her hand back and nervously fidgeted with her fingers .
“Come. ” H e offered his hand as he rose . “Let ’s walk.”
“What of Margaret and Mister Frederickson ? ” Myra nodded toward their direction. “ Should we wait until they return?”
Seth looked off at the path his sister and Zachary had taken their leave and shook his head. “The hills in that direction are too steep for climbing , so they cannot g o far. ” They began walking and he added, “ Thus far, I believe there’s naught to fret lest he strangle Margaret in hopes of silencing her relentless drivel . ”
Seth took her hand and tucked it underneath his arm and held her closer than appropriate. They followed a deer path th rough the woods until they approach ed a thicket of branches and could n’t travel any fu rther without difficulty.
“Would you like to rest?” He offered the large bould er that served well as a seat .
“You ’re in no hurry?”
“ Nay , I ’m hoping you’ ll sit with me awhile. There are some things I’d like to discuss with you. ” He looked up at the clear, blue sky between the tree limbs and smiled. “Even as lovely as the day is, there’s no comparison to the skies we have seen back home in England , is there ?”
She wondered if he was baiting her. A knot tangled within her stomach and she felt sickened. She wouldn’t talk about England or of her past . She didn’t want to lie , yet she couldn’t tell him the truth , so avoiding either, she replied with a noncommittal, “Hmm.”
“Hmm,” he repeated and smiled .
Myra turned the o pposite direction and eluded his stare , but s he could feel his heated gaze on her. She swallowed hard.
“ Shall you ever tell me the truth, Myra ?”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“ Women believe that all men fall for that innocent tone.” His smile grew wider.
She didn’t answer . Seeking a distraction, she found a budding dandelion on the ground and plucked it from the earth . She twirled and prod ded it with her fingers.
“ Myra ,” he interrupted. “ Is there any truth about you being The King ’s cousin ? I beseech you , tell me true this time . ”
How could she tell him? In her heart she knew she could trust him. However, something inside her said leaving her life of aristocracy behind was best . Go on living a life as a servant. Each day, her hopes of returning to Brunnington became more out of her reach. Escaping her servitude wouldn’t happen for years, and once released from her bond, she’d still need passage back to England. E very day brought more proof that her desire for revenge and reuniting with Mary may be a fool’s errand. Even if she returned and made her uncle pay for what he did, as well as secure Mary’s safety, surely she wouldn’t get Brunnington back. Even with her Cousin James’ support and power, it was against the court’s practice to allow her possession of the Brunnington estate.
“I have a cousin name d Charles,” she conceded. “But he’s not a kin g.” She convinced herself it wa sn’t a lie, for indeed, she did have another cousin named Charles on her mother’s line.
“ T’was untrue when you told me before that The K ing is your cousin? And the tales my sisters have overheard you and Lucia speak of
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