writhed with need as he pressed three thick fingers against her opening, caressing the flesh, pushing a little deeper as she whimpered her arousal.
He thrust them into her, the sudden movement unexpected, the deep ache it created unexplainable. He finger-fucked her, stretching her, watching her face. Declan still held her close, his arms pinning hers by her side, as her body ached for their possession and her climax spiraled closer once more.
What was it about the Delko brothers? Every one of them somehow knew exactly where to caress her, how to please her, how to bring her to the verge of orgasm with barely a touch. She cried out when Brandon pulled his fingers away, her pussy pulsing in protest. He lifted the digits, shiny with her juices, to his mouth and licked them clean.
“Baby girl, you really do taste delicious.” She moaned as he thrust his fingers back into her pussy this time, the gentle, almost lazy thrusting so different to Declan’s earlier fucking that she pushed her hips toward Brandon, her body jerking as she tried to get closer, tried to speed the pace, tried to demand he fuck her now.
But Brandon had other ideas.
He pulled her forward, dragging her closer to his mouth, her ass supported only by her knees wrapped over Declan’s thighs. Brandon’s hands caressed her butt cheeks, and his mouth pressed soft kisses to her belly as he drew closer to her pussy. He lifted her to him, the first touch of his tongue incredible, the soft graze of his teeth shocking. She shook hard as he traced her labia with his tongue, licking and suckling the flesh until she was struggling to free her hands from Declan’s hold.
Both men suddenly stopped.
Brandon leaned back, looking into her eyes, his concern written all over his handsome features. “Violet, do you want us to stop?”
“Fuck, no!” she exclaimed before she realized what had happened. “Sorry, no. Please don’t stop. God, I want you both so much.” She realized that Declan had released her hands, and she reached out to touch Brandon’s face. “That was me demanding more, not asking you to stop.”
A broad grin spread across his face. “Well in that case…” He ducked low, grabbed her from Declan’s embrace, and draped her over his shoulder again. He marched toward the bedroom, but landed a hard slap on her bottom before putting her down.
She rubbed the offended flesh, silently noting the slight sting left her more aroused, not less. “What was that for?”
“For scaring the hell out of us.”
“I didn’t mean to,” she said with a frown.
“We suspect that it could be overwhelming sometimes to have three partners. We just want you to promise that you’ll speak up if there’s ever a problem.” She nodded, noticing for the first time that the color had drained from Declan’s face. She stepped into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his solid frame.
“I promise,” she said solemnly. “Any time I feel scared or overwhelmed I will say something out loud.”
“Thank you, kitten,” Declan said as he pulled her closer.
“Yes, kitten.”
“Can you fuck me now?”
The look on his face was priceless. She heard Brandon laugh at his brother’s reaction, but her soft giggle turned into a shriek when Declan lifted her and tossed her safely onto the bed.
“I’m not sure,” Brandon said with a smart-ass grin, “but I think that was a yes.”
Violet giggled again, amazed to realize she was actually having fun. It seemed kind of strange, but she’d never expected fun and silliness to come from the man in front of her. Declan had been so serious over the webcam.
Completely naked, she lay in the middle of the bed, breathing hard as she watched the two men undress.
“Play with yourself,” Declan said as he tore off his shirt. “Show us what you like.”
Violet shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. She’d masturbated herself to orgasm before, but never in front of someone.
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