Body By Night

Body By Night by Zuri Day Page A

Book: Body By Night by Zuri Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zuri Day
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D’Andra had had a good time with Marc and Night. She didn’t want to spoil her good mood.
    “Hey, Jackie is on her way over. You want to hang out, play some Whist or something?”
    D’Andra’s mind whirled with possibilities. While married, Cassandra never invited her to anything, and had only done so once since getting divorced. “What’s the catch—why are you being so nice?” she asked directly.
    “Dang, why does there have to be a catch?” Cassandra started to cop an attitude but then shrugged and went into the kitchen. “Can’t I just be nice to my sister, for a change?”
    D’Andra joined Cassandra in the kitchen. She poured a glass of water and removed a can of Slimfast from the refrigerator.
    “She’s bringing her kids with her,” Cassandra said, reaching past D’Andra into the refrigerator for a liter of cola.
    “Bebe’s kids? Aw, hell no.” So that was it. The spawns of Satan were coming over. Jackie’s kids were destroyers. They’d hit anything that moved and break anything glass.
    “You shouldn’t want your kids around them. They’re a bad influence.”
    “You should be more understanding; they’ve got ADD—attention deficit disorder,” Cassandra said, as if she was telling D’Andra something she didn’t know. “Plus, they’re cousins.”
    She looked on the counter and felt on top of the refrigerator. “Where’s that coupon from Pizza Hut?”
    D’Andra walked over to the drawer by the refrigerator and handed Cassandra a folder of coupons. “No, they don’t have ADD, they have NAW.”
    “What’s that?”
    “The antidote for ADD: Need Ass Whupped.”
    “Ooh, Dee, you know you’re wrong. We don’t hit our children these days. We talk to them.”
    “Yeah, talk with the hand, and if that don’t work, a belt. That’s what I’m gonna do if those kids break my stuff. See if they understand that language.”
    “Don’t worry, she got ’em fixed; they’re on Ritalin or some shit.”
    “Dang, for real?” D’Andra didn’t know which was worse; that the kids would act like banshees or zombies.
    But the night had been fun. Jackie had a zany sense of humor and the man she’d brought with her, Todd or Teddy or Thomas or something, was actually decent, if a bit on the nerdy side. She hated to admit or in any way advocate drugging children but little TayTay and Benjamin were much better behaved than the last time she’d seen them.
    The young ones had watched DVDs while the adults gathered in the dining room around a rowdy game of Bid Whist. Mary Smalls came back from the casino and she and Boss joined in the fun as the partners took their turn at the table. The winners stayed at the table while the losers had to rise and fly . As the liquor flowed, so did the trash talking and finally D’Andra gave into Jackie’s prodding to have a Shady Lady, Jackie’s favorite drink.
    The drink’s grapefruit juice and melon liqueur had hidden Patrón’s power and when asked, D’Andra felt she could handle another round. Midway through her second glass she too was slamming her cards down on the table. The funniest time of the night happened when her mother, a Shady Lady or two in the wind herself, turned to D’Andra, her playing partner, and said, “Baby, can you go upstairs and get me my suitcase?”
    An inebriated D’Andra sincerely asked, “Why, Mama?”
    Mary slapped her ace of spades down so hard it spun on the table. She and D’Andra had taken all thirteen books. “Cause somebody’s headed to Boston!”
    D’Andra laughed out loud at last night’s antics as the shower’s hot water helped to clear her head. The previous evening was a reminder that sometimes her family actually liked each other.
    As D’Andra stepped from the shower, last night’s dream came back into her mind. Her face flushed as she remembered the details: Night’s long, thick, slightly curved manhood poised over her. She wondered if it really looked like that even as she wondered why she kept

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