Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

Broken (The Broken Series Book 1) by Carrie Cox Page A

Book: Broken (The Broken Series Book 1) by Carrie Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Cox
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on the wing-backed chair beside his bed to watch him sleep.
    I guessed he would think I was a total weirdo when he woke up and found me watching over him, but I couldn’t let him out of my sight.  
    His face relaxed as he slept, making him appear younger than he was. His beautiful dark lashes rested on his tanned cheek. There was the tiniest amount of dark stubble along his jawline, and I imagined running my lips along his cheek, anticipating the raspy feel against my lips.
    I was in trouble.
    I really liked him, and I had no idea what to do about it. I mean, of course I knew what I should do. I should pack my bags and get the hell away from him before I fell any deeper. This wouldn’t end well.
    For one thing, he was way out of my league. He was a world famous racing driver who could have any woman he wanted, and if I was to believe my internet searches, he had had most of the eligible women in his social circle.  
    But I didn’t want to give up. For the first time in years, I actually felt like I was doing something good with my life, like I was heading in the right direction. I needed to stay professional and help Jack, but I couldn’t get too close.  
    I had already been broken once. I couldn’t afford to get my heart broken, too.
    After Jack woke up, he drank the coffee I gave him — two strong cups straight down — and smiled at me a little sheepishly.
    “I’m a cheap date, huh? Half a bottle of wine?”  
    “It was the tablets,” I said. “I shouldn’t have let you have any wine. I really did think it was alcohol-free. I’m so sorry.”
    He frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous. It wasn’t your fault.”
    “But I’m supposed to be taking care of you. I shouldn’t have taken the risk. It is my fault. You could have gotten really sick.”    
    “No, I’m an adult,” he said. “I can make my own decisions.”
    “But I’m here to look after you and make sure things like this don’t happen.”
    “That’s not what you’re here for.”  
    I frowned. “What do you mean?”  
    He wasn’t making any sense. Of course that was what I was here for. It was my job.  
    But he didn’t reply. He just shook his head. “I’m going to have a shower,” he said. “I think I’ll have dinner with you and Alexander tonight.”  
    For a moment I was lost for words, then a grin spread across my face. This was a step in the right direction, but I didn’t want to make a big deal over it, in case he backed out.  
    “Okay. I’m sure Alexander will be pleased.”
    This was awesome progress. Alexander was apparently always trying to get Jack to come to dinner and Jack usually refused and ate by himself, so this was a good sign.  
    I bustled around the apartment, tidying things up, plumping pillows and humming to myself. I was in a ridiculously good mood. I knew exactly what was causing my good mood, and I knew exactly why I was feeling like this.  
    But it was no good, I couldn’t fight it.  
    I was falling for Jack Harding.
    I hadn’t completely lost my mind. I was fully aware it couldn’t end well. Despite that, my stupid mood refused to fall, and for the rest of the afternoon, I walked around with a daft smile on my lips.
    I left Jack early as I wanted to get changed for dinner. I’d only brought a couple of dresses with me, but for some reason I felt like dressing up tonight.  
    The dress I picked out wasn’t really a stunner. It was just a black wrap dress, but it was cut well and the fabric clung to my body, emphasizing my curves. I put on the gold locket that my sister Kate had bought for me before I left the US, and I added the pearl earrings she’d leant me for my trip.  
    I brushed back my hair at the sides and pinned it back with a comb, so it was in a half-up, half-down style. Not exactly a knock-out, but I didn’t think I looked too bad.
    I applied some mascara and lip gloss and a little blush to my cheeks, and then I headed over to Lauren’s room so we could go down to dinner

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