Captured by the Bodyguard

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Book: Captured by the Bodyguard by Dez Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dez Burke
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so she’d be wearing that sexy white bra and panties she’d had on that night they’d gotten soaked in the shower.
    She’d tremble deliciously at his words, and at the way he’d grab her ankles firmly and tug her body down till she had her legs hanging on either side of him and off the edge of the bed. Her honey-skinned face would be flushed; beads of sweat coating her smooth temple. Her hair would be a mass of luxuriantly thick curls, just the way he liked them. He’d bend low and fist his fingers in her hair, his thighs nudging hers apart as his lips aimed for her luscious, gasping mouth.
    Their first kiss. Fuck; she’d taste so freaking good. She’d open wide for his onslaught and he’ll seize her lips in a ravenous tango of passion. He’d grind his mouth against hers till she moaned in half protest, half-delight at his ferocity. He’d dive in with his tongue and swirl it round the roof of her sweet mouth. She’d moan, and his cock would swell impossibly. Her tongue would suddenly, shyly mesh with his and it would almost be the death of him.
    Alexandra .
    He shook the fevered fantasy off and tell himself he was a fool. He’d held back this long, stayed true to his honor code and now he wanted to cave?
    One day, she’ll thank him, he reminded himself. She’d know that whatever he’d done had been for her own good. She was just twenty-three, mostly sheltered all her life. He was more than ten years older at thirty five; he’d seen too much of bad, and not enough of good in the world. But he still knew right from wrong and his mind told him it would be wrong, at this point, to finally give in to the thirst.
    She might hate him now, but maybe he’d get the chance to explain before they parted. He knew that this time, she hadn’t been bluffing about asking her dad to get a replacement. He understood her anger and he was ready to step down and let her get the steam out of her system. She was a woman; she had emotions, insecurities. He’d constantly held back and the feminine side of her felt hurt, maybe undesirable. She’d never forgive him for that but hopefully, she come to respect the choices he’d made as her bodyguard. And heaven help him, they’d better have a good enough guy to replace me, thought Cane. Someone who’d treat her like the angel, precious and sweet, that she was.
    But for now, he was prepared to wear the label of hateful beast, the devil himself since that was obviously how she now viewed him.
    Cane heaved a sigh, lifting his head off the marble surface of the wall. Suddenly, even through the water rushing around him, Cane caught it. The sound. He frowned, his powerful, trained hearing sharpening as he suddenly heard the soft yet unmistakable click of the front door closing.
    It took three seconds for Cane’s brain to register what was happening. Alexandra. She’d left the house.
    He didn’t need to wonder if he was wrong. His gut instinct told him it was just the thing she would do, especially after last night.
    Oh, fuck no , Cane thought with red-hot fury as he punched a furious fist into the wall, ignoring the pain he didn’t even feel as he grabbed a towel and headed out of the shower, his movements quick as lightning. He knew exactly what he was going to do.
    He’d go after her. He’d bring her back, even if he had to drag her by her hair. And then, he’d turn her on his knee and give her such a spanking his whole arm would be throbbing once he was done. As for that juicy tempting bottom of hers…well, needless to say, sitting down on it would be a problem after he’d be finished with her.
    “Alexandra!” he yelled, knowing she was probably not going to hear him. But if she had, she’d have been filled with a terrible dread. Because now Cane was mad. Hopping, raise-hell mad. In mere seconds, he was dressed in clothes and shoes and rushing out the front door after her.
    Alexandra Duke had never ever really seen his bad side, fumed Cane. His extreme rage mode. Well,

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