Charles Darwin*

Charles Darwin* by Kathleen Krull Page A

Book: Charles Darwin* by Kathleen Krull Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Krull
Tags: Retail, Ages 8+
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Sketch of an Infant” (Darwin)
    and adaptation theory
    and beak shapes
    of Cape Verde
    and Darwin’s collections
    Darwin’s Rhea
    of Galápagos Islands
    and the Glutton Club
    and hunting
    pigeon breeding
    Boyle, Robert
    breeding practices
    British Association for the Advancement of Science
    British Empire
    British Museum Library
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    burial place of Darwin

    Cambridge University
    Canary Islands
    Cape Verde Islands
    carbon dating
    A Catalog of British Plants (Henslow)
    Chambers, Robert
    childhood of Darwin
    childhood development
    children of Darwin
    children’s books
    Chopin, Frédéric
    and agnosticism
    and Catastrophism
    Church of England
    and the clergy
    and creationism
    and Darwin’s marriage
    Darwin’s religious beliefs
    Darwin’s theology education
    and English education
    and evolutionary theory
    and FitzRoy
    and fixation of species concept
    and naturalism
    and natural selection
    and opposition to Darwin’s work
    and population theory
    and the X Club
    Church of England
    classification systems
    cleanliness of Darwin
    Cocos Islands
    common descent
    Concepción, Chile
    Copernicus, Nicolaus
    coral reefs
    Curie, Marie
    Cuvier, Georges

    Darwin, Anne Elizabeth (daughter)
    Darwin, Bernard (grandson)
    Darwin, Caroline (sister)
    Darwin, Charles (son)
    Darwin, Emma (wife)
    and children’s health
    and Darwin’s death
    and Darwin’s health
    and Darwin’s worm collections
    and daughter’s death
    and publication of Darwin’s works
    and religion issues
    and selection of home
    and Victorian society
    Darwin, Erasmus (grandfather)
    Darwin, Erasmus “Ras” (brother)
    and Darwin’s education
    and Darwin’s family life
    and Darwin’s social life
    and education
    health issues
    home in London
    and medical education
    and publication of Darwin’s works
    Darwin, Francis (son)
    Darwin, Robert (father)
    Darwin, Susannah (mother)
    Darwin, William Erasmus (son)
    “Darwin’s Delay,”
    Darwin Sound
    Darwin’s Rhea
    Davy, Humphry
    death of Darwin
    debate on Darwin’s work
    The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (Darwin)
    descent with modification. See also common descent
    Dickens, Charles
    Down House

    Edinburgh University
    Edmonstone, John
    education of Darwin
    Elements of Experimental Chemistry (Henry)
    Eliot, George
    Emerson, Ralph Waldo
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    enthusiasm of Darwin
    Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus)
    evidence supporting Darwin
    The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin)

    family of Darwin. See also specic individuals
    FitzRoy, Robert
    and the Beagle trip
    and Darwin’s personality
    and journey publications
    opposition to Darwin’s work
    and publication of Darwin’s work
    and slavery
    surveying work
    fixation of species concept
    The Formation of Vegetable Mold Through the Action of Worms (Darwin)
    Fox, William Darwin
    Freud, Sigmund
    funeral of Darwin

    Galápagos Islands
    and age of the earth
    and Darwin’s education
    and Darwin’s notebooks
    and Darwin’s writings
    and earthquakes
    and Galápagos Islands
    influence on Darwin’s work
    and Lyell
    and the Plinian Society
    and Transmutation Notebooks
    germ theory
    Glutton Club
    Gould, John
    Grant, Robert
    Graves, George
    Gray, Asa

    health of Darwin
    digestion problems
    illnesses during voyage
    possible causes of illness
    and presentation of his work
    and publication of book
    and seasickness
    and water cures
    Henry, William
    Henslow, John
    heredity. See also genetics
    Herschel, John
    HMS Beagle
    Hooker, Joseph
    Hope, Thomas Charles
    Humboldt, Alexander von
    Huxley, Thomas


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