Chasing Paradise (Chasing Series #3)

Chasing Paradise (Chasing Series #3) by Pamela Ann Page A

Book: Chasing Paradise (Chasing Series #3) by Pamela Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Ann
Tags: Romance, sexy, love, hot, alpha males
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    Glancing away from her, I tried to concentrate on folding the sleeves of my dress shirt before pushing them behind my elbows. “I had these hidden here, so I could be surrounded by you when I was stressed out and needed to get my priorities straightened out.” I looked at her, knowing my love only ever grew from the moment I met her. “It was a place I loved to hate when you and I broke up.”
    Sienna made a strained gasp, before she stared at her canvases, eyes full of wonderment. “You’re really in love with me, aren’t you? I mean—I thought you loved me…but now, I think you’re crazy in love for me. Does that make sense?”
    It did. It was damn sad because I knew she didn’t feel that for me. Her love was conditional. Sighing, I went over to the bed and sat, brooding.
    Sienna strode over to me, standing, looking at me sorrowfully. “I’m sorry.”
    “ Sorry that you’re feeling this way?” I looked at her closely. “ Or are you sorry that I got to witness it?” I was referring to her crying in Matthews’ arms.
    “ Both, I guess.” She stepped closer, unsure. “I don’t want to leave you. You must know that.”
    “ No, I don’t.” Each time that thought emerged in my mind, I tried to squash it down, but it haunts me. Every time.
    Her eyes sought mine, pleading for me to understand her position, her feelings—her pain. “I wish there was an easier way to do this, but there isn’t. He’s been such a big part of my life. I’m letting go of him because I want to be with you. The whole process—is very difficult, painful. I feel like I won’t ever see him again…like this goodbye would be it.” She sighed, full of sadness. “Kyle is family. It might not look it to you or to the other people, but he was the only family I’ve had for the past decade. I don’t do well with goodbyes, especially after my dad died.”
    “ Blake—”
    I gazed at her, understanding her perspective, but the pain and the string of doubts were embedded in my mind—but I was at least trying.
    “ I’m grieving. That’s all. There’s nothing more to it, so please, don’t resent me for it.” She leaned against me, before flinging her arms around my neck. “I love you too, Blake.”
    Forcing myself to smile, I kissed her forehead, before placing my own against hers. “Thank you for telling me—for opening up. I’m still gutted, but I understand you more now.”
    Her stomach blatantly growled, breaking the awkward silence. She laughed it off, blushing. “Oops.”
    “ Come on, poppet. Time for me to feed you.” I helped her to her feet, guiding her towards the exit. “What do you fancy having? We can still get reservations if you like.” I offered, wondering what cuisine she’d be into.
    She spun around, halting our steps. “Would it be okay if we just stay home and just…be together, just the two of us? I missed you.”
    We had been so caught up with work and the investigation that I forgot how to be like us. She was right. I had missed her too. “Then we shall dine at home. We can rummage through the kitchen as see what we can whip up.”
    Forty minutes later, we were home. I was just coming out of the shower when I heard Sienna yelling my name. Frantic, I was in the kitchen in a heartbeat. “What’s happened? Are you hurt?” I searched her face, her body then her surroundings. When her confused look turned into tiny spurts of laughter, I got even more frustrated. “I don’t find this amusing at all.”
    “ It so is. Look at you, marching in here, guns blazing and ready to break a bone—dripping wet with only a towel on. Seriously?”
    Planting my hands on my hips, I glared at her, waiting for an explanation.
    “ Okay—don’t laugh, but we don’t have cheese.” She bit her bottom lip, making a cute funny face. “I mean, how can we make an omelet without cheese?”
    I nodded, my tongue on the side

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