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Book: Crave by Sierra Cartwright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Cartwright
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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her to face him. “You’ll be riding my dick later.”
    He heard a knock on the door, followed by, “Room service.”
    “Since I value my life, I’ll get that,” he offered.
    “Good. Because I can’t move.”
    He grinned.
    A second knock followed, and he called out that he’d be right there. He dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. No doubt he wasn’t the first guest to do that. And, this being Julien’s party weekend, no doubt Reece wouldn’t be the last.
    The waiter rolled in a cart with the coffee. It also held two bottles of Scotch. “They were waiting for you at the front desk,” the man explained, “so I brought them up. We’d left you a message.” He pointed to the light blinking on the phone.
    And a harsh reminder about how the weekend might end. Would end. Reece had no intention of taking her back and exposing himself to that kind of risk again. No matter how sweet the return.
    Reece signed the bill and added a generous tip.
    He heard the shower turn off.
    “Tell me that was the coffee,” she said, exiting the bathroom.
    She had one towel wrapped around her and she was rubbing her hair with a second. “Something wrong?” she asked. Then she saw the bottles of alcohol. “Would you like me to go now? Say thanks for the beating and the sex?”
    “Probably for the best,” he said.
    She froze.
    “But no.”
    “Look, Reece, Sir… Crap. I don’t even know what to call you. Or this. What we’re doing.” She sank on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t expect that this would be easy.”
    “We agreed to give it until Sunday night.”
    “And? What then? I’m starting to think that I’ll want more.”
    “We have no trust between us.”
    “Not true. I trust you.”
    “You didn’t.”
    She frowned.
    “If you had trusted me and what we shared, you would have stayed.”
    “Enough said. I’ll get dressed and…” She inhaled.
    Then he saw her shoulders go rigid.
    She dropped the towel she’d been using to dry her hair. With more confidence, she started again, “I’ll get dressed and see you after your game. I’m not walking away. You want to get rid of me? Send me away.”
    Fuck. He wasn’t sure he could have let her leave, let alone ask her to go.
    “Cream in your coffee?” she asked as if nothing untoward had happened. She stood and crossed to the cart. Without waiting for his answer, she poured each of them a cup and added cream.
    He took the cup she offered to him. “Thank you.”
    “My pleasure.”
    “Look, Sarah…”
    “Unless you’ve changed your mind, unless you’d like to use a safe word, then honor your promise.” She raised her cup in his direction in a toast of sorts, then she took a sip.
    Reece cursed himself for being an ass.
    He was being waited on by the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was offering a few days with no commitment. The trouble was, for him, at one time, anything less than a lifetime wouldn’t have been enough.
    And now?
    Sarah put her cup on the room’s small table. Though he was certain she was trying for an air of nonchalance, he saw the way her hand shook, betraying her nerves. He knew he was the cause of it, and he did nothing to reassure her.
    Overnight, her dress had fallen on the floor. She picked it up and pulled it over her head, doing a little dance as the material settled into place.
    After draining her cup, she sauntered across the room to him. She slipped on her shoes then leaned in to kiss his forehead. “Enjoy your game.”
    At the door, she paused and looked back at him. “Sir?”
    He shook his head, and she left, quietly closing the door behind her.
    His phone rang. He snatched it up and saw that the caller was the Genius of the Known Universe. Julien, clearly. Reece hadn’t programmed his friend’s name that way.
    “We’re waiting on you. Unless you’re being led around by your overly large dick, get down here.”
    “Overly large?”
    “I provided the condoms. They weren’t too

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