in age.
I don’t know if that big dyke Lilith was a Whore or not, but she was certainly too
sexually aggro for Adam and God’s liking:
Hebraic tradition said Adam married Lilith because he grew tired of coupling with
beasts, a common custom of Middle-Eastern herdsmen, though the Old Testament declared
it a sin (Deuteronomy 27:21). Adam tried to force Lilith to lie beneath him in the
“missionary position” favored by male-dominant societies. Moslems were so insistent
on the male-superior sexual position that they said, “Accursed be the man who maketh
women heaven and himself earth.” Catholic authorities said any sexual position other
than the male-superior one is sinful. But Lilith was neither a Moslem nor a Catholic.
She sneered at Adam’s sexual crudity, cursed him, and flew away to make her home by
the Red Sea.
God sent angels to fetch Lilith back, but she cursed them too, ignored God’s command,
and spent her time coupling with “demons” (whose lovemaking evidently pleased her
better) and giving birth to a hundred children every day. So God had to produce Eve
as Lilith’s more docile replacement.... The story of Lilith disappeared from the canonical
Bible, but her daughters the lilim haunted men for over a thousand years. Well into the Middle Ages, the Jews were still
manufacturing amulets to keep away the lilim , who were lustful she-demons given to copulating with men in their dreams, causing
nocturnal emissions. Naturally, the lilim squatted on top of their victims in the position favored by ancient matriarchs. (Walker,
1983, 541-42)
The lilim that haunted men in their dreams were manifestations of a growing terror of female
sexuality. In our society, this fear has gone past fruition and is presently rotting.
I feel pretty cheated about Whores for a number of reasons:
Whores generally subsist within men’s domain, under conditions men have formulated
for the past odd thousand years, and are largely inaccessible to women.
Most Whores are completely unaware of how important they are to society, and subsequently
do not have the opportunity to learn how to be all-compassionate, all-loving, all-giving
and all-receiving incarnations of the Goddess.
I’ve never been with a Whore because any Whore who knows she’s one of the Goddess’s
priestesses would cost my entire disposable income for six months.
I do, however, have a frame of reference because I know what it is like to be in the
arms of the Goddess.
One time I got blessed by this Goddess incarnation named Ammachi. She’s not a Whore,
but she’s by far the closest personification of an olden time sacred temple priestess
I’ve ever personally encountered.
Ammachi is a woman from India who comes to America and has these ashram things. The
first time I went to her ashram thing, I had no idea what it was about. I saw a bunch
of mostly white people dressed in white clothes who bugged me with their “Oh, I am
so very holy and drink herbal tea constantly” vibration.
But the music was amazing.
Ammachi sat in the front of the room on a bunch of pillows. Musicians, attendants,
children and flowers surrounded her. Thousands of flowers, like when Princess Diana
died. She sat there with her eyes closed, and chanted. Probably, she was meditating.
Wearing a flowing white sari, she was covered with chiffon, silk, everything soft
and whispery. I figured she understood the concept of an ashram far better than I,
so I did the same as her. Closed my eyes, sat and listened.
This lasted a long time, but like in a dream, I don’t know how many minutes and hours
Then there were the rustling sounds of people standing up. I opened my eyes. Everyone
was forming a double-file line that led to Ammachi.
My friends told me she was gonna bless people, so we queued up. The line was very,
very long, snaking throughout the entire large building we were in. If it had been
a line at the
Daniel G Keohane
Adele Huxley, Savan Robbins
Andrea Levy
Terry Ravenscroft
Jessica Anderson, David Ouro
Luke Delaney
Erika Mailman
Alyssa Shannon
S.G. Rogers
Nicholas Maes