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Book: Curtis by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
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of their lives together, making a family, running the ranch. Being a soldier wasn’t the worst thing in the world. It offered him an opportunity to acquire some skills he otherwise wouldn’t be able to get.
    “I’m gonna miss you so much,” Lorrie sobbed, her head resting on his shoulder as they sat on the couch together.
    “I know, darlin’,” he whispered, cradling her head as she cried. “I’m gonna miss you, too.” More than she would ever understand.
    After he’d taken the necessary aptitude tests, the recruiting sergeant he’d met with had told him that he had a little more than a week until he would be shipped off to training. Nine days, to be exact. Nine days to get everything in order, to ensure that Lorrie would be taken care of while he was gone, to make sure his mother had what she needed in order to care for herself and all the kids plus keep an eye on his wife, along with ensuring that the ranch would be managed appropriately.
    Nine days did not seem like a long enough time, but it also seemed like too long. He just wanted to get this over with. The sooner he was deployed, the faster he would come home.
    At least it sounded good in theory.

chapter THIRTEEN

    I’m writing this through the tears that are still streaming down my face.
    I saw Curtis off today. Mrs. Walker drove us to the location where Curtis got on a bus. I couldn’t stop crying, but luckily she was with me, holding my hand after Curtis stepped out of sight. He has officially left for the Army. He said he’ll be in training for almost ten weeks, but I don’t know what that means. He doesn’t know if he’ll be back after that or if they’ll send him somewhere right away. He seems to think that he’ll be shipped off without the chance to come home. Sometimes I think that’s what he wants. He said they are already talking about sending them to Germany. I don’t want him to go that far away. I don’t want him to go anywhere, actually. I want him to stay right here with me. That might make me a selfish person, but I don’t care; it’s how I feel. I love him. Please, God, keep him safe.
    Oh, and Kathy told me today that Momma is pregnant again. They are going to have another baby. That makes nine. That means that Momma and Daddy will have more kids than Mrs. Walker does. She’s got eight. One day, I hope to have that many kids. Sometimes I think about what it’ll be like to have a baby with Curtis. It scares me a little, but it’s the hope I’m going to cling to.

chapter FOURTEEN
    ~ 1965 ~

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1965
    Sometimes I don’t know how I make it through the day. It isn’t easy without Curtis. I miss him terribly. I haven’t heard from him at all, but he warned me that would happen. He said during training he didn’t think he’d be able to make any phone calls, but he would try to send a letter. I haven’t received anything yet.
    I dream about him all the time, worry about him, but I know he’s being careful. He promised to come back to me, and I have to keep believing that he will. I keep waiting for a letter from him. I’m desperate to hear from him.
    In order to pass the time, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Mrs. Walker. She seems to be getting better every day and even goes some days without drinking at all. I’m trying to help Carol with the little kids when I’m not at school. Daphne helps a lot, too. She’s twelve, but she acts like she’s twenty. At least I have them to talk to. I have to keep myself occupied or I’ll go stir crazy. Sometimes I wish I had let Curtis buy us a television. At least I’d have something to do.
    And every night, before I go to bed, I get down on my knees, and I pray that God will keep Curtis safe (and Gerald). I’m trying to be positive all the time. Mrs. Walker told me it isn’t necessary, but it is. Really it is.

Letter from Curtis:
    January 28, 1965
    Hello, honey. God, I miss you. It hasn’t been long since I’ve

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