Dark Justice

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Book: Dark Justice by William Bernhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Bernhardt
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leaned toward the woman at the desk closest to her. “Imogene, when was the last time one of the suckers actually took a case to trial?”
    Imogene thought for a moment. “Been three years now. Stanley Boxleiter. Convenience store holdup. He got creamed.”
    The woman glanced back at Ben. “There you have it.”
    Ben frowned. “I get the impression this office doesn’t have a tremendous win-loss record.”
    “What can you expect from conscripted defense lawyers? Some of ’em aren’t even familiar with criminal law. They take any plea bargain that’s offered.” She snapped the binders shut on the black notebook and closed it. “But the real reason is Judge Pickens. The Time Machine. He’s … how shall I say it? A strong believer in law and order.”
    “Favors the prosecution?”
    “That would be one way of putting it. At any rate, he’s never had any problem listening to Granny talk. I’ve seen some poor suckers who never managed to finish a sentence.” Her hand suddenly moved to her mouth. “Omigosh. You must be that fellow from out of town who’s representing the terrorist?”
    Yes, Ben thought, I’m the sucker who got that case.
    Her eyes lowered. “You may want to consider a change of attire, at least when you go into court.”
    “What, I should wear a football helmet?”
    “I was thinking more like a bulletproof vest.”
    Ben weaved through the crowded desks and found the closed door in the back. He pushed it open and stepped inside …
    … and three steps later, his nose was pressed against the opposite wall.
    “Welcome to Chateau Kincaid. Kinda cozy, huh?”
    Christina sat behind the desk by the north wall. It was a small desk, but it was the only desk that could possibly fit in this tiny office.
    “This is where we’re supposed to work?” Ben asked. “This is impossible.”
    “You’re being negative. Don’t think impossible. Think … challenging. Quaint. Intimate.”
    “No one needs to be this intimate. My jail cell was larger.”
    “If you’d like, I could revoke your bail.”
    “Very funny.” Ben took a folding chair that was leaning against the wall, unfolded it, and sat. “Christina, you know I’m not accustomed to a plush workspace, but this is ridiculous.”
    “Maybe so, but it’s all we’ve got. Our client can’t afford to rent office space for us, and last I looked our firm coffers weren’t overflowing either. It’s going to have to do.”
    “Swell.” Ben crossed his legs and tried to pretend he was comfortable. “What have you managed to find out?”
    “Nothing you probably don’t already know. But I haven’t had a chance to read the files yet. I will. The murder occurred on July thirteenth. The victim, Dwayne Gardiner, was shot. Soon after, he was caught in the explosion of a huge piece of logging equipment, a tree cutter. He burned to death.”
    “Any witnesses?”
    “None have turned up. The case against our client is based on his hostility toward loggers and his known proclivity for torching logging equipment, although I have a hunch there might be some forensic evidence pointing toward him as well.”
    “There must be,” Ben said. “There wouldn’t be a case otherwise.”
    “My thinking exactly. And we have to anticipate that there may be other connections as well. Our client has been in town for at least six months now, since the injunction fell and WLE Logging started building roads to get into the old-growth forest. It’s entirely possible Zakin knew the victim or had some other tangential connection.”
    “I’ve talked to Zak. He says he didn’t know the guy.”
    “Really? Well, the prosecution must have something.”
    “Agreed. We have to figure out what it is.” He paused, relishing the pleasure of dropping a bombshell he knew and she didn’t. “By the way, Zakin is a former client of ours.”
    “Right. The Chesterson Chimp case.”
    “You remembered?”
    She looked at him incredulously. “Of course I did. I knew who he was the

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