Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy

Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy by Simon R. Green Page B

Book: Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
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    "Happy the man with no ambition," said Finn. "But happier still the man who aims high, and dreams great dreams."
    Lewis looked at him. "What?"
    Backstage, in a spotless high-tech office absolutely crammed with the very latest in computers, comm tech, and surveillance equipment, the most famous opera singer in the Empire and the Court's official Head of Protocol, Jesamine Flowers and Anne Barclay, were discussing the forthcoming Ceremony over tea and chocolate biscuits. Two old friends, with more shared past than most people would be comfortable with, two of the most influential people in the Empire, giggling and pushing each other and
    generally acting like overgrown kids.
    Jesamine Flowers was tall, blond, beautiful, voluptuous and glamorous, because her profession and position demanded it of her. Gorgeous rather than pretty, and radiating a sexuality as overbearing as a blowtorch, Jesamine's universally recognized face and figure had never known the slightest assistance from a body shop. Somehow, her few imperfections just made her more her. That's show business for you.
    The Empire's most admired diva, Jesamine Flowers, had been at the very top of her profession for twenty-five years, ever since she first stole the show out from under some poor unfortunate lead when she was only fifteen years old. A voice like an angel and a body built for sin, and just enough of a sense of humor so that everyone knew she didn't take either quality too seriously. Her many vid and sound recordings had made her so wealthy that even show business accountants couldn't hide most of it, and Jesamine paid more in taxes every year than some colonized planets. She could have retired long ago; but there were still so many roles to play, so many stages to dominate, so many young pretenders to send packing. And Jesamine was still never happier than when reducing an audience to tears, or laughter, or filling their hearts with awe.
    She was forty years old, and she'd done it all. And that, really, was the problem.
    She'd arrived at Court with her usual entourage, all the many people she needed to be Jesamine Flowers the star, but she dismissed them all when Anne Barclay arrived. (Some of them weren't too happy about that, sensing a threat to their position and influence, but Jesamine drove those poor fools away with threats and insults and the occasional slap and kick. Jesamine ran a tight ship.) She and Anne retired to Anne's office, where they could be sure of a little privacy. Jesamine didn't feel the need to play the star around Anne. She was much more interested in a good chat and gossip, and a chance to put her feet up.
    Anne Barclay was short and stocky, and wearing a smartly cut gray suit that made her look very efficient. She had bright red hair cropped brutally close to the skull, above a face with strong cheekbones to give it character, but precious little else to recommend it. She never could be bothered with makeup, and had resigned herself at an early age to being the kind of person who always tended to blend into the background at any gathering. She was used to not being noticed, and had come to prefer it, mostly.
    Drawing people's attention just got in the way, when there was work to be done.
    Back when they were both a lot younger, Anne Barclay had promoted and managed Jesamine Flowers's career, and had been very good at it. Anne was ruthless in business, so that Jesamine could concentrate on her art. They became good friends, closer than sisters, so it came as something of a shock to Jesamine when one day Anne bluntly announced that she was leaving show business, in search of something more challenging. And secure. Jesamine had pleaded with her to stay, but Anne was equally ruthless in her private life. You don't need me anymore, she said. And 1 need to be needed.
    She came to Logres because everyone knew that was where the real action was, joined King William's staff, and quickly worked her way up through a combination of

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