energy. One would think that the balance of a ghost’s energy remaining in the spirit world ought to be more helpful to their disturbed alter ego still hanging around Earth. From what I hear, most immature souls who cross over are unable to perform this transfer and integration of energy by themselves. The
folEarthly Spirits - 63 lowing excerpt is a report I received from the soulmate of a ghost. This ghost is a young level I soul who was my subject’s first husband.
Case 15 Dr. *N: You have told me that your first husband, Bob, was a ghost after his last life. Please explain the circumstances here.
*S: Bob became a ghost because he was killed early in our marriage in that life. He was so overcome with despair and concern for me he wouldn’t leave.
Dr. N: I see. Can you tell me approximately how much of his total energy he carried with him into that life?
S: (nods her head in assent) Bob had only about a quarter of his energy and it was not enough for him in this mental crisis … he misjudged … (stops) Dr. N: Do you think that if Bob had taken more of his energy to allow for this contingency he might not have become a ghost?
S: Oh, I can’t answer that, but I think it would have made him stronger *… more resistant to sorrow.
Dr. N: Then why did he take so litte energy to Earth?
S: Well, because he wanted to be more engaged with his work in the spirit world.
Dr. N: I’m confused about why Bob’s guide didn’t just make him take more energy to Earth.
S: (shakes her head negatively) No, no! We are not pushed around that way. We are free to make our choices. And Bob didn’t have to become a ghost, you know. Bob was advised to take more but he is stubborn and he was also considering another life at the same time. (a parallel life) Dr. N: Let me make sure I undertand. Bob underestimated his capacity to function more normally in a crisis with a body having only 25 percent of his energy capacity?
64 *< Destiny of Souls S: (sadly) I’m afraid so. Dr. N; Even though in death that body was gone?
S: It didn’t matter. The effects were still with him and he didn’t have enough strength to combat the circumstances.
Dr. N: How long did Bob stay a ghost before the rest of his energy was restored to him in the spirit world?
S: Not long, about thirty years. He couldn’t seem to help himself… lack of experience … part of his lesson … then our teacher was called by … you know… those beings who patrol Earth watching over the disturbed ones … to go get the rest of him to come home… Dr. N: They have been called the Redeemers of Lost Souls by some people.
S: That’s a good name for them, only Bob’s soul wasn’t lost exactly, only tormented.
Souls in Seclusion My next case involves a more advanced subject who provided me with details about entities who are not ghosts but won’t go home after death. As the case unfolds we will see that there are two motivating factors that drive these types of souls into seclusion.
Case 16 Dr. N: Are there people who die who are not ready to return to the spirit world?
S: Yes, some souls who are released from their physical bodies don’t want to leave Earth.
Dr. N: I suppose they are all ghosts?
S: No, but they can be if that is their desire most are not. They simply don’t want to be in contact with anyone.
Dr. N: And their spiritual energy does not go home right after death?
Earthly Spirits 65 *S: That’s right, except there is a part of their energy which never left the spirit world.
Dr. *N: So I have heard. But let me ask if you consider these secluded souls as short-timers or do they stay in limbo for a long time in Earth years?
S: It varies. Some want to return as quickly as possible in a new body. These souls don’t want to give up their physical form for any length of time. They are different from most of us who want to rest and go home to study. Many of this type have been real front-line warriors on Earth. They want to maintain a
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