kitchen sink, her arms folded, she was practically salivating over his erection. The erection he had hoped to take care of with her daughter several minutes ago.
“I know what you were doing downstairs with my daughter,” she accused.
“Oh. We weren’t – “ he attempted.
“Don’t. I’m asking the questions. How old are you?”
“Twenty-three,” he lied.
“How about you tell me the truth?” Dana’s eyes narrowed and while they were beautiful, Zach was terrified of them. He swallowed hard, prepared to divulge the truth.
“I’m thirty-one, ma’am.” The terror in his face showed and he was visibly sweating.
“I see. You’re thirty-one and you were downstairs with my eighteen year old daughter? I wonder what a man your age would want with a girl like Jane.”
Zach took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.
“I know. I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m…I’m gonna go. I promise you that I won’t see her again.”
A sexy smirk found its way to Dana’s face. She approached Zach and studied his physique, not bothering to conceal her intentions.
“You won’t see her again. But in order to enforce that I’m going to need some leverage.” Reaching into the drawer dangerously close to Zach’s perfect ass, she pulled out a digital camera. Placing it on top of the stainless steel microwave, she didn’t turn it on, but enjoyed the look of intrigue on Zach’s face at the sight of it.
“I…I don’t understand,” he stuttered.
“You’re too old for my daughter. Lucky for you, I was a young mom and I’m just barely older than you. And I’m single,” she mused.
Zach struggled to keep his hands at his sides as Dana began to caress him. She first touched his tanned face, then trailed down his neck, and finally to his strong shoulders.
“If I tell you to stay away from my daughter, you will defy me and see her anyway. Which is why I need help reinforcing my request,” she said.
Zach’s mouth hung open at her forwardness. He wanted to touch her and he knew he wouldn’t be able to continue resisting her for much longer. His erection was persistent and was beginning to hurt due to its current confinement. Dana’s hands found Zach’s abs and her smile at the pleasure she received from this made him clench his fists to maintain control.
“You,” she said staring him down. “Are going to fuck me now,” she finished.
Zach was panting with frustration and confusion. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip to stifle a moan as Dana stroked his erection over his jeans.
“And if your performance is not satisfactory and/or you tell Jane that I threatened you, I will show her the tape we’re about to make and she will never see you again anyway. Understand?”
Zach nodded silently, unable to control his heart rate and breath. He found himself wishing Dana hadn’t interrupted his encounter with her daughter so that his erection wouldn’t be a contributing factor to his current situation. He had only gotten off once today with Jane and felt he was entitled to his inevitable (or so he thought) orgasm he sought through fucking Jane’s gorgeous mouth. The same mouth her mother wore.
The sound of the camera activating marked the beginning of Dana and Zach’s sex tape. Dana tugged at Zach’s belt, but his strong hands stopped her. Afraid she was about to be rejected, Dana looked up at him questioningly.
“This isn’t how I do things,” he explained.
Dana’s face flushed with embarrassment and she was suddenly overcome by anger.
“Fine. Get out,” she snapped.
Zach refused to release her hands when she tried to get away from him. He pushed her backward and up against the kitchen sink and held her hands firm on either side of her. He saw the arousal in her eyes as he peered down at her.
“I am always in charge,” he said watching her closely. She didn’t reply.
“Can you handle that?” he asked.
Dana didn’t reply but stared at him hungrily. She lunged at him and he
Jean Plaidy
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