Dorothy Must Die Novella #7

Dorothy Must Die Novella #7 by Danielle Paige Page A

Book: Dorothy Must Die Novella #7 by Danielle Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Paige
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this,” Nox said sharply. “This was Mombi and Gert’s decision.”
    â€œOh, I’m sure it was,” Lanadel said, her voice icy. “It just happens to be an incredibly convenient decision for you. But is it just me, or is sending your best fighter on a death mission a really bad idea, Nox?”
    â€œShe won’t be in danger,” Nox said. “Much danger,” he amended. “She’s just going to infiltrate the Emerald Palace, get some information for us, and come back.”
    â€œYou know she can’t do that!” Lanadel yelled. “She’s toldme a million times! Glamora tossed her out of etiquette lessons because she couldn’t pretend to be a courtier!”
    â€œShe doesn’t have to be a courtier!” Nox snapped. “She’ll be a servant. And the details of her mission are none of your business, anyway. This isn’t your decision, Lanadel. I’m only telling you because—because—”
    â€œBecause you want me to know what happens when you actually have feelings for someone,” Lanadel said coldly. “You send them into the occupied Emerald City to die. I won’t let you do this.”
    â€œI don’t have—” He cut himself off. “It doesn’t matter. She’s already agreed.”
    â€œWhen could she possibly have had time to do that?”
    Nox jerked his head toward something behind her. “You can ask her yourself.”
    Melindra had come up behind them without Lanadel hearing her. “Is it true?” Lanadel asked her. “You’re going into the Emerald City?”
    Melindra’s expression was filled with raw pain as she looked at Nox. “Somebody has to do it,” she said. “We need information about Dorothy’s soldiers if we’re going to fight them. How the Woodman’s creating them. If they have weaknesses. That kind of thing.”
    â€œIt’s a suicide mission,” Lanadel said desperately. “You can’t let them send you into the—”
    â€œI wanted to go,” Melindra said, still not taking her eyes off Nox. “I volunteered.”
    Lanadel opened her mouth to protest and then stopped. She knew why Melindra had volunteered, and it had nothing to do with the Order. Nox had broken her heart. But she couldn’t stop Melindra from going without admitting that she’d overheard their fight on the mountain. And she knew that Melindra, just like Nox, would never forgive her if she knew Lanadel had seen her at her weakest.
    Melindra and Nox were so much alike—except that Melindra had learned how to let go of her tough exterior when something really mattered to her, and Nox was trapped by it. Melindra didn’t care if she died in Dorothy’s palace. She didn’t care if she never came back at all. She was going to go into the most dangerous place in Oz, and there was nothing Lanadel could do to stop her. It was like losing her family all over again. Tears welled up in her eyes and she dashed them away angrily with the heel of her hand. Lanadel wanted to beg her again to stay. To tell her that it was not worth it. But she knew down deep that her words could not stall Melindra from leaving. Only Nox’s could.
    â€œWhen do I go to Ev?” she asked. She was proud of herself for keeping the tremor out of her voice. Melindra looked at Nox, startled out of her ice queen act.
    â€œYou’re sending her to Ev ?”
    â€œIn a few days. It’s already been decided,” Nox said. Pure rage flickered in Melindra’s eyes before she tamped it down.
    â€œI’ll be fine,” Lanadel said, although she had no idea if that was true. The last thing she wanted was to make Melindra worry about her. She grabbed Melindra in a sudden tight embrace, hernostrils filling with the sea-salt smell of Melindra’s hair. Words bubbled up again. Ones that she could not say. Ones that Melindra would never return.

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