pointed teeth. He patted the elongated neck in thanks for the
ride and slipped from the saddle. He hurried through the
Dragon Wish
sticky mud to Seren’s side.
The ride, though short, had worn down the little bit of
strength she had left. With her eyes half closed, her face pale,
she tilted toward him. He grabbed her and carried her to the
door. He prepared to set her on her feet to bang on the wood,
but before he could, the portal swung in.
Largin stood in the opening. With his chin raised, nostrils
flaring, black eyes sparkling, and his white hair tangled
about his shoulders, he barked, “I have been waiting for your
Fear shot through Paladin. His father’s old teachings
echoed through his mind. ‘Dangerous business to keep a
wizard waiting. Never do so.’
He cocked a brow at Largin, hoping his unease remained
hidden from the wizard’s keen gaze. “Have you?”
Largin nodded, motioning for Paladin to enter. Once
inside, Paladin bent, helping Seren to stand. She still leaned
against his side, and he kept his arm around her waist,
holding her steady. Largin stuck his head out the door. He
glanced left then right for a moment before ordering the
dragoons to their beds. With a nod, he slammed the door
The wizard’s dark breeches and navy shirt hung on his
thin frame. He had declined since the last time Paladin had
visited. Concerned for the elderly man, Paladin frowned.
“What has happened to you?”
Largin opened his mouth to speak but stopped. He stared
at Seren’s veiled face for a moment then shifted lower to her
abdomen. “So it’s true, the rumors I have heard in the last
few days.”
Paladin stiffened. Seren glanced at him, questions evident
in her eyes. He shifted his arm to her shoulder, giving it a
squeeze in hope of relieving her worry. “This is Seren. She is
from the place Leo comes from—Earth.”
“I am aware. The scrying stone revealed this to me three
days ago.” Largin nodded. He waited until they had removed
Dragon Wish
their cloaks, and then he waved for them to move ahead of
him. “Come. You know the way, Paladin. Warm yourselves
before the fire. I will summon Leo before I bring food and
drink for all of us.”
Paladin took Seren’s arm and led her down the dimly lit
hallway. His thoughts grim, he realized the time had come
for answers, for him and for her.
* * * *
Seren stood with her back to the blazing fire in the
hearth. Cozy, even homey, the room where Paladin had led
her set her mind at ease. The four leather armchairs, seats
worn and glossy in places, faced each other like they waited
for someone to sit and enjoy the warmth coming from the
fireplace. Bookcases, lining all the walls, overflowed onto the
faded fabric of the area rug. Several large glass covered
lamps gave the room a snug atmosphere, not too bright, but
not dark either. Seren smiled. Just right.
Huge, colored stones sat on the hearth, the mantel, the
bookcases, even the floor. Strange lights flickered in each
one. Reds, yellows, blues, greens, purples, and blacks, the
invisible auras expelled by them sent many different
reactions through her when she gazed at them. The clear
crystal ones attracted her the most. Her smile widened at the
feeling of peace which flowed through her mind at the sight
of this particular color.
She rubbed her warmed hands together and looked over
at Paladin. He stood next to her, staring into the flames,
hands braced on the mantel.
When he didn’t react to her look, she moved to the
nearest armchair to take a seat. She rested her head against
the padded back and shut her eyes, savoring the gentle lull of
the crackling fire. She inhaled the scent of wood smoke
tingeing the air. Warmth coasted over the front of her body.
Paladin shifted. She opened her eyes to see him facing
Dragon Wish
her. Deep and soft, his voice imbedded into the deepest
reaches of her mind. “I asked if our
Mary Hoffman
César Aira
Erin Bowman
Mike Brooks
Diana Dempsey
Michael Sutherland
Madison Johns
Juliette Sobanet
Sasha Moore, Anita Cox
Pete Hautman