Drake Sisters 03 - Oceans of Fire

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because they seem to be smiling.”
    “Well, I’m not really planning to dive into the sea with them,” Joley admitted. “I just meant the impulse is there. I know you do it, but I like to keep my distance from anything weighing more than I do.”
    Abbey grinned at her sister. “That includes men?”
    “Damn straight. Ever since that gate opened and the prophecy started unfolding I’m not even dating. I’m not even looking! Not me. No way. No how,” Joley declared. She watched as Abigail unlocked a second door leading down into the basement. “Isn’t that where the earthquake cracked the seal and allowed that spirit to escape?” She shivered. “I really need a cup of tea.”
    “All this time I thought you were the adventurous one.”
    “I’m very adventurous after twelve in the afternoon,” Joley pointed out. “And I really rock after midnight.”
    Abigail laughed. “Be careful on these stairs; they’re old and crumbling. Kate told me there’s a place where the tunnel caved in but we can get through the rubble.”
    “How exciting,” Joley said, rolling her eyes. “You owe me so big-time for this.” She made her way down the basement stairs and waited while Abigail searched for the entry to the tunnel that led to the cove.
    “Have you ever met a man you considered marrying?” Abbey asked.
    Joley tossed her head. “Not likely. No one could stand me. I’m too mean.”
    Abbey laughed. “You really are a nut. You don’t let anyone push you around, but you’re one of the nicest people I know.”
    Joley blew her a kiss. “Thanks, Abbey, but since I happen to know you don’t know very many people—in fact, you shun people—that isn’t much of a testimonial.”
    “I don’t shun people. They shun me.” Abigail found the entrance and stepped through, wrinkling her nose. “It smells musty and fishy in here. And we’ll need a flashlight.”
    “I brought a gun, not a flashlight.” Joley bumped into her sister as Abbey stopped to drag a flashlight from her bag. “I should have known you’d be prepared.”

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    “People don’t shun you, Abbey,” Joley said. She glanced nervously into the tunnel, then took a deep breath and followed Abigail.
    “Yes, they do. Wouldn’t you if you weren’t my sister? Do you remember all those years in school when I couldn’t quite control my gift? All I had to do was accidently use the word truth and everyone within hearing distance would give the truth to me. Kids blurted out all kinds of things around me that they didn’t want known. Would you want to risk your deepest darkest secret? Look what happened when Inez roped me into joining the Christmas pageant committee last year. I caused a huge scandal.”
    “That wasn’t your fault. That spirit had escaped and was wreaking havoc on all our gifts. You used the word truth in a room and Sylvia Fredrickson’s lover confessed they were having an affair.”
    “It was so horrible. Two marriages broke up over that. And Sylvia slapped me in front of everyone.”
    “You should have decked her.” Joley picked her way through the rubble of debris on the narrow stone stairs. “It’s wet and moldy down here. Ew.”
    “I did cause it to happen. She went to school with us and she knew very well I did it,” Abigail said with a small sigh. “I didn’t really blame her for being angry.”
    “She’s the one who was having the affair with a man whose wife was about to give birth. Sylvia’s always after somebody else’s husband,” Joley replied with a little sniff. “And if she’s the one shunning you, count yourself lucky.”
    “It’s wet down here.” Abbey played the light over the wall of the tunnel. Most of it was rock, but there was one section where water seeped out and dripped onto the stairs, making them slick. “Watch your step right here. It looks as if someone fell.”
    Joley stiffened. “What do you

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