Eden's Pleasure

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Book: Eden's Pleasure by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
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and the necessary items for the
    promised cup of tea.
    “Your hair is wet.”
    I spun around with a gasp as Gervase tossed a cloth at me and gestured to my head.
    With murmured thanks, I went across to the fire and sank down onto my knees. I
    started to unpin my hair then thought better of it as I sensed Gervase come up behind
    me. I patted my fringe and side curls into some semblance of order and turned to make
    the tea as the kettle hissed to the boil.
    Gervase waited by the door until I had the tray ready. He picked it up without a
    word and carried it through to the parlor. He built up the fire as I lit more lamps and
    closed the velvet curtains against the miserable gray skies.
    At first I could do little more than sip my tea and enjoy the warmth of the fire. I
    sought desperately for something to say to Gervase. I hadn’t seen him for two months.
    His reappearance in my life was so unexpected yet so secretly longed for that I had to
    pinch myself to make sure I hadn’t conjured him out of my fevered imagination.
    As I pondered what to say, Gervase broke the silence.
    “Are you not curious as to how I found you, Eden?”
    I could only nod, a polite smile on my lips.
    “I wasted over a week searching for you in Glasgow without any help from your
    husband’s family. When I returned, your mother was most helpful in securing your
    direction after my father swore he could not aid me.” His mouth tightened. “It didn’t
    Eden’s Pleasure
    occur to me that you might hide right under my bloody nose on my own father’s
    I offered him some milk for his tea. He declined with a shudder. “Wherever did you
    go on such an unpleasant day and why the hell didn’t you take your maid?”
    I bristled at his abrasive tone. “I only went to the village church to help with the
    flowers.” I had no intention of revealing that I went there most days to pray for his
    safety. “I was invited to lunch at the vicarage. I walked home from there.”
    Gervase’s frown deepened and he opened his mouth. I quickly spoke over him.
    “The vicar did offer me the use of his carriage but it scarce seemed worth the wait when
    I could walk home in ten minutes.”
    Gervase growled. “How old is this vicar?”
    I lifted the teapot to refill my cup and directed a blistering stare at my tormentor
    over the top of it.
    “I am not one of your new recruits, Major Harcourt. You have no right to
    interrogate me.”
    Gervase crossed one booted foot over the other and stretched out his legs until he
    deliberately brushed my skirts.
    “So he’s young then.” His eyes lowered to my bodice. “I am surprised that he did
    not offer to walk you home in the rain. He would have enjoyed the view.”
    I followed his gaze downward to my soaked bodice, which clung to every curve of
    my breasts and clearly displayed my nipples. Gervase tutted and shook his head. “Still
    no proper corset, I see. Are you disappointed that he didn’t escort you?”
    He leaned forward to pour himself another cup of tea and drank it down in one
    swallow. I attempted to pull the fabric of my gown into a more modest position.
    Gervase gave a dry laugh. “Don’t bother on my account. I’ve been hard since you
    walked into the house.”
    Kate Pearce
    I gave up the attempt to cover myself and sat back in my chair, watching Gervase
    with all the caution of a mouse cornered by a tomcat.
    “What I would really like to know, Eden, is whether my father was right. He insists
    you never intended to marry me, that you were using me for your own sexual
    gratification whilst you waited for the right man to come along.” He placed his cup
    with great precision into its saucer and stared at me. “Well?”
    I cradled my cup, glad I had something to hold onto. “I am sorry if my answer
    disappoints you, but your father is right. That was my intent.”
    “I don’t believe you.”
    I stood up and banged my cup down on the table. “Why not? Do you think you are

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