as she pushed the button to turn Eland to ashes.
The Shareem met as often as they could after that. Sometimes Eland was with them, to Jeanne’s delight, more rarely—Rees.
They discussed what they could do, put forth ideas, possible people they might trust. There weren’t many. The search for the missing Shareem was strengthening. Apparently, the security department on Bor Narga had finally figured out just which Shareem had managed to leave the planet—very few—and which were still at large.
Everyone in Judith’s living room was on the wanted list, for starters.
“I’m working on it,” Rees said on a night he could show up, his tone hard and unhappy. “We might have to get off the planet one at a time. And not all of us will get away.”
They knew it. Jeanne saw it in their faces. Already one Shareem had been caught, terminated before Rees had been able to get him free. That failure haunted him, and the other Shareem grieved.
Jeanne’s anger rose as she watched them. They were men, with feelings, needs, lives. Why should they be killed?
“You’ll get free,” she said quietly during one of these sessions. “I’ll make sure of it. I’m going to keep trying to find someone who will take you away from here, get you safe. I swear this.”
“And me,” Judith said.
“Sweeties.” Rio put one arm around Judith, one around Jeanne, and gave them each a kiss on their cheeks. “It’s why we love you.”
Eland said nothing, only watched. Jeanne, flashing an impish smile at Eland, kissed Rio back. The session in Judith’s bedroom with Eland after that was mind-blowing.
The nights Eland could get to Judith’s, he taught Jeanne more. She was open to him now, interested in what he came up with. She learned to take a small, lubed plug in her ass, which warmed her all over. She’d then kneel in front of Eland, her hands bound behind her back, and take him in her mouth until he came, powerfully.
One amazing evening, she lay down on top of Eland, he fully inside her, while Rio was invited in to participate. With Rio in her mouth, Eland inside her fully, Jeanne thought she’d burn up and die.
At other times, Eland had her sit with him and the other Shareem—just sit while they talked. Jeanne would be unclothed and adorned only with her collar and nipple clips. The others could see all she had, all that was Eland’s.
While the Shareem were obviously always hungry for sex, they didn’t begrudge Eland for having Jeanne, Eland said. If a Shareem had a lady, then the others wished him well. They were made to pleasure women, not to fulfill their own hearts.
Which, to Jeanne, was terribly sad.
If nothing else, Eland taught Jeanne to be comfortable in her own body. That was what having her sit naked among the others was about. That and it brought her a tingle of wicked pleasure to be scrutinized. And no one could scrutinize like a Shareem.
Jeanne learned not to be afraid of sex and not to be ashamed of wanting it. It was pure pleasure, and joining with another, an intimacy that nothing could surpass. She decided that as long as sexual exploring was done in mutual agreement and enjoyment on all sides, there was nothing wrong with it.
She was even allowed to ask other Shareem for pleasure—if Eland was present. But Jeanne never did. She wanted Eland, and that was all.
Not that she minded when he let others join them. Aiden massaging her while Eland rode her. Ky and Rio taking turns spanking her while she rode Eland.
The day he told her to straddle Judith on a chair and let Judith touch her was interesting. Judith enjoyed that, to Jeanne’s surprise, and so did she, a bit. The noise coming from Judith’s room when she retreated there with Rio later was jarringly loud.
Through it all, Jeanne knew she was falling in love with Eland. She felt complete when he was with her, and empty when he was gone.
And she feared for him, a gut-wrenching fear that didn’t let her sleep. The danger to him wasn’t
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