two exorcisms look alike. Some go fairly smoothly with very little demonic activity. However, some can get very strange and demons can set traps to confuse and defeat the exorcist. There are several rules to follow:
1. Do not listen to the demons . Demons will know things about you, the team, and the client. They will openly reveal what they know about you, to embarrass you and put fear in you, so you must be comfortable with yourself and be willing for others to hear your personal issues. And, the demons will lie about you and state that you have been in sins that are not true. Also, the demons may say disgusting things that will offend you-they will say anything to get you to not focus on the task at hand. The team and the client must be aware of this and ignore the demons.
2. Do not talk to the demons unless it is an emergency . Some exorcists ask the demons their names and ask them how they got there (this is encouraged in the Roman Ritual for exorcism). Since demons constantly lie, it is perilous to believe what they say. Some will command that they tell the truth in the Name of Jesus and believe that in this instance they would be compelled to tell the truth. However, if they are still in the client they are still resisting the power of God and they are in rebellion. Demons will sometimes ramble on about hell and their torment…”I don’t want to go back into the darkness,” “My pain is great,” “I cannot fail or my torture will be severe.” Many exorcists are tempted to learn more about the spirit-realm and will actually start a conversation with the demon. This is a trap. I have seen some get so interested in what is being said that they actually forget that a suffering human is there. It is best not to engage with the demon and focus on setting the client free. God can tell you the demon’s name and how it got there.
3. If you feel fear for any reason get out of the room . You can do no good if you are frightened by what you see or hear. The enemy preys on our fears and uses fearful techniques to paralyze the team. For example, demons will create loud noises, make body parts grow, break chairs, and scream. In one case, one client tried to bite the team members and had to be restrained during most of the exorcism. In another case, a man opened his mouth almost to the size of his head which was frightening to see. Team members must be ready for this and know when they cannot handle it.
4. You can stop the exorcism to take breaks or allow one team member to take a break at a time . I approach an exorcism like a marathon-you need to conserve your energy for the long run. Not all exorcisms are long but you can’t tell in advance. In addition, the client can get tired and they need bathroom breaks and water breaks as well.
5. Never leave a client alone . I learned this the hard way with one particular exorcism. Two team members and I were in the middle of an exorcism and the client said that she needed to go to the bathroom. We needed a break because things were going slow so we agreed to a brief break. She went into the bathroom and the team began to talk about what was happening. After several minutes we noticed that it was quiet so we walked over to the bathroom door and called the clients’ name and we heard moaning. I grabbed the door knob and I realized that she had locked the door. The moans were getting louder and we shouted for her to open the door. We didn’t know what to do but I asked if anybody had a knife or a key to wedge into the lock. A team member reached into his pocket and pulled out his car key and stuck it into the lock and the door miraculously opened! The client was trying to cut her wrists with her car keys and we quickly stopped her and the demon began laughing through her. We got her cleaned up and went back to the exorcism as the demon was still in control of
Georgette St. Clair
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Paule Marshall
Nadia Nightside
S.H. Kolee
Maris Black
Sylvia McDaniel
Jim Ring
James S. A. Corey