Faithfully Yours

Faithfully Yours by Jo Ann Ferguson Page A

Book: Faithfully Yours by Jo Ann Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Ann Ferguson
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on the floor and began to empty it. “Of course not. He walked with me only because he is determined to keep me from being accosted.”
    â€œBy his fellow soldiers?”
    â€œThere is no one else I need to fear here in Goshen.”
    Tom nodded grimly. “You are right. You need fear only the British soldiers, who are popping up faster than dandelions in the first days of spring.”
    â€œWhile they are here, they are not involved in mischief other places.”
    â€œI hear the major’s brother has taken up residence at your father’s house.”
    â€œYes, but I suspect he will not stay once he is well enough to travel.” She smiled coolly. “He has said more than once that he finds our home too primitive for his taste.”
    â€œIs he returning to Philadelphia?”
    â€œWith all possible speed.”
    â€œAnd with all possible information?”
    Faith shrugged. “I have no idea what information he might have—other than that about the powders that the doctor gave him to make him well.”
    â€œTom, I have told you that I do not want to do anything but bring supplies for my neighbors fighting with General Washington. Asking me questions will gain you nothing, because no one has confided in me.”
    He scooped up the supplies she had brought and tied them in a knapsack. “But you are being watched.”
    â€œI cannot do anything about that.”
    â€œBut you can.” He drew a pouch from beneath his tattered shirt. “Put this in the Englishmens’ ale the night before you meet me again.”
    She looked from the small bag to his smile. “What is it?”
    â€œSleeping powder. It will keep them from following you.”
    She watched him as he began to pace through the barn, as he did each time she came here. “Adrat, Tom! No one is following me. Sebastian—”
    â€œYou call him Sebastian?”
    â€œMy father insists I address him so.” She did not lower her eyes before his fury, because he must not discover how she was stretching the truth. “Tom, what I call him matters little.”
    â€œYou are right. What matters is that he does not follow you again.”
    â€œAnd find us.”
    He shook his head. “We do not matter. What do you bring me? Some mittens and a few pair of socks? Some bread? That is no reason to keep a full patrol here.”
    â€œNo, because he is looking for information on the Continental Congress.”
    â€œBut they do not ride west. They stay here.”
    She sank to sit on a rough stool. “I have heard the soldiers talk of how the rebellion will be over with the coming of the deepest cold in the new year because the soldiers will abandon General Washington to seek the comfort of their homes.”
    â€œThese British milords think they know everything, but they do not know the men who have rallied around General Washington. They will not let cold weather daunt them. They proved that last year when they routed the British in Trenton.”
    â€œBut the British hold Philadelphia this year, and the general’s men are camped outside it somewhere.”
    He pressed the pouch into her hand. “Use this the night before you come here next time. Major Kendrick and his men will sleep, and you will not be followed.” He glanced toward the door. “I hope I am not followed when I leave.”
    â€œMaybe you should remain here.”
    He laughed coldly. “I know you offered to bring supplies because you wanted to honor the memory of your friend who was killed in battle. Do not break that promise now.”
    Flinching, Faith came to her feet. She would have accused Tom of listening to her conversation with Sebastian. In the same tone she had used with Sebastian, she said, “I do not break promises.” She looked down at the pouch. “I will do my best to keep the reason why I come here from being discovered.”
    â€œSee that you

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