Falling for the Backup (Novella): The Assassins Series

Falling for the Backup (Novella): The Assassins Series by Toni Aleo Page B

Book: Falling for the Backup (Novella): The Assassins Series by Toni Aleo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toni Aleo
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Women, Sports
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    Tully looked over at Jordan and raised an eyebrow.  
    “Oh really?”
    “Yes maam.   Has she told you about me?”
    Tully’s green eyes were still locked on Jordan. “She did. But I was expecting a fairy looking guy.”
    Jordan chuckled as Tully flashed him a wide smile, taking his hand in hers.  
    “I’m Tully Shaw, Aynslee’s mother, and you are?”
    “Jordan Ryan. It’s nice to meet you.”
    “You too. I have a bone to pick with my daughter, she didn’t prepare me for someone so handsome.”
    Jordan laughed as he pulled his phone out and said, “Let’s call her together.”
    He hit Aynslee’s contact and put it on speaker phone. When she came on the line, Jordan smiled as she said, “Hey you.”
    “Hey beautiful, guess what?” he asked as Tully and Bowie both beamed at him.
    “No first, you have to guess what! Guess what I just bought for your welcome home gift,” she giggled into the phone, “And let me just say, it starts with crotchless.”
    “Oh shit,” Jordan said before picking the phone up and taking it off of speakerphone.  
    “That’s right,” she cooed in the phone as Jordan looked up to see a shocked look on Tully’s face and Bowie glaring at him.  
    “Baby, I had you on speakerphone,” he said covering his face. It was probably not a good idea to laugh, but he couldn’t help it and soon she laughed along with him.  
    “Oh crap, did the guys hear me!? At least they know you got it good huh?”  
    Tully’s eyes widened and Jordan realized that she could still hear Aynslee. When she said, “Aynslee Kathleen Shaw!” Aynslee’s laughter stopped.
    “Please tell me that wasn’t my mother.”
      “It was.”
    “Why are you with my parents when I am talking about crotchless panties?!”
    “I was trying to tell you where I was, but you busted that out before I could!”
    “Oh my God, did my dad hear me?”
    Jordan glanced over to see Bowie standing very tall with his arms crossed over his chest, looking very scary and Irish.  
    “Yes, he did.”
    “Well shit.”
    “Yup, I’m pretty sure I might not make it out of here alive.”
    Aynslee laughed causing Jordan to smile. God, he missed her.  
    “No, he’s a big teddy bear, put me on speakerphone.”
    Jordan did as she asked and put the phone on the bar as she said, “Hi mom and dad!”
    “Hello darling,” Tully said with a small smile playing on her lips.  
    “Aynslee Kathleen,” Bowie said, his eyes still glued to Jordan.  
    He was pretty sure he was going to die today.  
    “Dad, stop. I have sex. I’m thirty one, what do you expect?”
    But Bowie didn’t budge until Tully slapped his chest.  
    “Stop, you’re scaring him,” she said in a mock whisper before turning back to the phone. “He seems nice.”
    “He is. Jordan is wonderful mom, I’m glad y’all are meeting.”
    Jordan smiled as he said, “I wish you were here.”
    “Me too, but I’m buying crotchless panties so I’ll let you guys be,” she said teasingly. Jordan cringed at her words but he also became hard as a rock. He was glad he was sitting behind the bar because this woman drove him mad. “And daddy please don’t kill him. I like him a whole lot.”
    “I’ll try,” he answered before receiving another smack from Tully.  
    “He’ll be good, and you be good too. For Christ sakes, crotchless, Aynslee?!” Tully exclaimed. She then reached over to take Jordan’s hand.  
    “We’ll take care of him, feed him good, and he’ll meet the rest of the family.”
    “Oh for the love of God, please don’t do that to him.”
    Bowie let out a big laugh as he said, “But he won’t be family until that happens. He’ll be fine, we promise.”
    Something moved in his chest. It felt good to know they already considered him family.
    “Oh God, Jordan I hope you still like me after you meet those crazy folks.”
    “I’m sure I will.”  
    “So you think. Call me later?”
    As he talked more

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