opportunity since they landed,” Michelle pleaded insistently as she paced back and forth across her classroom, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Why is it every few months, we have the same conversation?” Liz asked her quizzically. “I feel like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day. You remember the one, the one with Bill Murray reliving the same day over and over again. Why don’t you give up?”
“I’m never going to give up, especially when I know I’m right. So you might as well do what I’m asking you to do.”
Liz snorted and continued to pack the books for the end of year cleanup. “What makes you so sure I’d be chosen as a Serralian mate?”
“You forget you and I were together when the news broke about first contact. I saw hope light up in your eyes. You started living again that day.”
“Would you say hope or relief? You also remember my divorce finalized the same day. I became free from a total abusive jackass.”
The arrival of the Serralians three years earlier secretly sparked a glimmer of hope, even in the most defeated souls. A small scouting party communicated with the government for years from an orbit at the outer rim of the galaxy before the public had been notified there was a first contact situation. Of course, panic ensued at first. Fanatical religious cults preaching the end of the world and an abundance of cable show claiming every psychic from Nostradamus to Ms.
Cleo predicted the arrival.
The Serralians came back to the world of their ancestors. Over two thousand years ago, an alien race visited the Earth. They walked among the people and become enchanted by the primitiveness of those who lived here. They reminded them of their own race in their infancy when technology had not ruled their lives.
Marie Rose Dufour
A few of the explorers, or Originators as they were called, were disenchanted with their technology reliant existence and longed for a simpler life. They identified the fourth planet in the solar system Pegasus could support life, and had planned to colonize the planet when a slight detour brought them into contact with Earth. Along with various other artifacts, they brought with them The Stones of the Goddess. These stones were their oldest and most revered religious artifacts. Before the total reliance on technology, the Originators used the Sacred Stones to identify and mark the Fated Mates of their people. They believed the Great Goddess herself spoke through the stones and matched people who were fated by Her to be together forever and beyond.
Immediately after the birth of a Serralian child, they were brought to the Temple and a Sacred Stone pressed against the palm of their hand. As the Goddess decreed, a Sacred Mark would imprint upon the child. The Mark would reveal itself when the two souls were matched and connected. The mates were bonded from then on in this life and the next.
They used the stones on the primitive people of Earth and found many of the people made Fated Mates to their own people. So they scoured the Earth looking for mates to bring with them to colonize the distant planet. The Originators brought with them many thousand Earthlings from all over.
They lived mostly in peace, blending the use of technology with a simpler way of life. They always knew at some point they would have to re-establish a relationship with the people of Earth. Genetically speaking, after two thousand years, the viable gene pool for every person would get smaller and smaller. The people from Serralia noticed more and more of them were going through their lives without their Fated Mates. The birth rates were plummeting. Their society started to unravel. The world’s scientists were becoming concerned about the future of their people.
At this point in their history, they decided to re-establish their relationship with Earth as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Earth was not the same world they visited over two thousand years ago; no longer a simple
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