The frogs would turn into princes, who would spend their days lying around the pond, lazily enjoying the water.
Currently, it was almost too dark to see any frogs or dragonflies. The sun had yet to go down, but the trees sheltered the sun’s light from the trail. Megan had grabbed the flashlight and one of Matt’s old jackets, knowing that it would be dark before she returned to the house. She felt safe in this place. Peaceful. It had been a long time since she’d felt like just doing nothing. Her life had been pretty busy in the city. She’d always been on the go, running errands, working, or just hiding from Derek.
Now, as she took her place on the large rock to overlook the water, she imagined life like this years from now. Would she be sitting here by herself? Did she want to be sitting here by herself? She knew she wasn’t quite ready for a relationship just yet. She didn’t think she could trust anyone and knew it would take a lot for her to ever trust someone, especially a man. But, she didn’t want to live life not having faith in the good of man kind.
Sure, she had a rough past; her luck in men was terrible. But, looking back on Matt’s life gave her some hope. Men like Matt did exist. She’d known a few other good people in her life.
Her old boss Mr. Martin was one of them, he had always been very kind to her, and Ric Derby had been very nice to her also. Ric was the owner of the Blue Spot Galleries, an account she had worked on in the past. She had just talked to him two days ago about showing him Allison’s art.
Iian was another one. He was always a fun conversationalist. She never felt scared around him. He would always go out of his way to make her smile. She enjoyed that he flirted with her. It had been a long time since she had felt attractive. Even though he was a few years younger than her, she enjoyed the attention.
And then there was Todd. She couldn’t quite put a handle on him. She was desperately attracted to him and that scared her. He made her feel like a bundle of nerves. He was kind, and showed her gentleness that she’d never seen in a man. The way he had rubbed her back that night had given her things to dream about, and dream about them she did.
Her last dream had been so real. She’d woke up and could still fill his hands on her. Smiling to herself she remembered it.
It had started out as dreams usually start. She was sitting on the front porch swinging on the swing. Then across the field Todd rode up on a large black horse. Saying nothing, he dismounted in one fluid motion, walking up the stairs, he started pulling her up into his arms. Then he carried her into the house and gently laid her down on a soft bed covered with pink rose petals. His lips branding her, his hands had parted the white dress she was wearing, then they wreaked havoc on her skin, causing her body to bow and heat.
Just when he’d bent his head to kiss her breast, she had woken. Her skin had tingled and her nipples were hardened waiting for the wet feel of his mouth. She’d been so sure that she could still feel his hands on her, she’d reached up and touched just there.
Todd sat across the pond and looked at the lovely figure. Her eyes were staring at the water, but he was sure that she was not seeing it. She was day dreaming and looking lovely doing it. She sat on the rock across the water looking like a mermaid who at any moment would jump into the deep, never to be seen again.
Her hair was down flowing around her shoulders with a slight curl around her face. She was wearing a large jacket against the cool night air, and her feet were tucked up close to her body.
Just then Chester let out a whine, and Megan’s eyes darted up to the pair.
It was like they’d just stepped out of her dream. There across the pond sat Todd on the biggest black horse she’d ever seen. Blinking a few times to make sure the image didn’t disappear on her. He sat bare
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