as well as his touch. It had only been a few hours since she had left him but it already felt like days.
16. Stolen moments
When Laura walked into the German classroom Mr Rydell caught her eye and smiled. It was very brief but it was enough. They were good. They were a "they".
The whole lesson felt electric to her. She had this huge secret that almost no one else knew anything about. The man at the blackboard was no longer merely her German teacher. He had chosen her. She knew what he looked like naked, how it felt to be kissed by him, how his body felt against hers.
Looking at him, tall and authoritative, explaining some elements of German grammar, she wanted to be with him so badly it hurt.
It was impossible to put these thoughts out of her mind, but Laura was still just about able to concentrate on the lesson. It would have helped if Charlotte hadn’t kept nudging her every other minute.
At the end of the lesson he asked her to stay behind.
"I know I have to avoid singling you out, but I couldn’t let you go today without making sure you were okay," he said.
She told him she was fine.
"The weekend was amazing. You were amazing. I spent most of the lesson wishing I could dismiss the class and take you away for a repeat performance."
She saw the heat in his eyes. He didn’t risk touching her as there would be people walking past the classroom at this time.
"Half term is just another couple of weeks away. Can you come back a couple of days early - say you’re staying with a friend - and stay with me? If I can even hold out that long."
Laura smiled at him. She loved that he wanted her so much. "I’ll manage it."
"Great. I can pick you up from wherever you need. And you have my number."
She had memorised it by heart.
"You’d better run to your next class. If I can figure out something for this week, I will."
Her heart singing, she hurried off.
* * *
Charlotte was waiting for her around the corner. "Everything okay?"
"All good."
"That’s a relief. I wasn’t sure if he was going to change his mind on you again. I was watching for smouldering glances but he seemed very well controlled."
"He wants me to stay with him at the end of half-term," Laura told her. "I can’t use Margery again though."
"I think she’d still agree, but it is awkward. I wish I could help. What about Susie?"
"I’ll ask her. She said earlier it should be ok."
They walked onto the next class which was Maths. Susie had bagsed them desks on the back row. She was eager to find out how German had gone with Laura seeing Mr Rydell again.
"You must really regret picking Geography instead," Charlotte said.
"Yes and no. Geography has its charms."
Charlotte could think of few things less charming than Mrs Ayers.
"She is a problem," Susie agreed.
The maths lesson started, and they were forced to stop talking.
* * *
Margery was sitting in the Michaelmas Lower School common room with her sewing basket and the dreaded rah-rah skirt, trying to find some way to make it look more presentable for the dance. She was close to despair.
Pride held her back from asking the others for help. A wall had gone up since her disapproval of Laura’s relationship with Mr Rydell. It was a wall entirely built by Margery because the others didn’t mind that Margery minded. Laura actually felt bad that Margery was upset about it. But Margery struggled with it, and the distance grew.
It was here that Teresa Hubert chanced upon her. "Mending something?" She noticed that Margery had some sequins and guessed what was up. "You’re not going to wear that to the dance, are you? You really can’t wear that. Didn’t you find a dress on exeat?"
Margery heart slumped further with misery.
Teresa saw her opportunity. "I’m sure we can find you a dress. Andrea has two. She’s still deciding which to wear. I’m sure you’ll fit the other."
Teresa had two henchwomen, one small, one large and lumpen. This latter was Andrea. Margery was
Leigh Ann Lunsford, Chelsea Kuhel
Mina V. Esguerra
Kate Grenville
Suzanne Williams
Nancy Springer
Jennifer Culbreth
Laurie Faria Stolarz
Meg Waite Clayton
Dani Matthews
Ethan Radcliff