Forever Lovers

Forever Lovers by Suellen Smith Page A

Book: Forever Lovers by Suellen Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suellen Smith
Tags: Romance, Action, Western, Military, Dogs, cowboy, country
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the same moment a knock came from the
connecting door to another room behind her. The unexpected sound
made her jump. She twisted to stare at the door not moving as she
clutched her gown to her chest as if to fend off the intruder with
her garment as she waited frozen for it to open.
    “Lily?” Quinn's voice floated softly from
connecting door. “Come and open the door.”
    At first, Lily couldn't believe she'd heard
correctly. Realizing the little joke he had chosen to play on her,
she rushed to the door laughing and threw her arms around him, much
to the relief of Quinn. Only she knew there would be plenty time
for retribution.
    Quinn laughed, too. He swung Lily up in his
arms and plunked her down on the bed amid frilly petticoats and a
frothy rose colored dress. He wasted no time in joining her and
pinning her arms above her head as he kissed and tickled her all at
the same time.
    “So, do you like your present?”
    Lily didn't answer right away.
    “Well?” Quinn stiffen one arm and raised up
staring down at her as he waited for what he hoped was the right
    “I'm thinking.”
    That brought another round of kissing and
    “OK, OK, I like it, I like it.” she laughed.
“Now, tell me, what am I supposed to do with it?”
    “Wear it (kiss, kiss) – or not,” Quinn
    Lily was smiling up at him, rather amused at
his charming antics.
    Quinn went on to explain as he rolled onto
his side bending a muscular well defined upper arm as he put his
head in his hand, “The last time everything was so spontaneous, we
hardly had time to enjoy the moment. This time, we have all night
and I want it to be special for you.” He got up and walked to the
door leaving her in a mound of petticoats and a little peek at her
rose pink string bikini panties.
    “I'll give you fifteen minutes and I'll be
back.” He winked as he left.
    Lily winked back and grinned as the door
shut. She liked games. She was good at them. Now, it was her
    A few seconds after the door shut, Quinn
heard the ominous sound of the latch clicking on the other side of
Lily's door. I sure do hope I don't have to break the door down
in fifteen minutes, he grumbled to himself.
    Quinn changed into some black silk boxers in
less than fifteen seconds. He looked around the bridal suite that
connected to Lily's bedroom. He had booked the opulent room over a
year ago hoping it would get some use this very night. He had made
sure that Lily was booked next door to him.
    Quinn checked the lily bouquets in the
bedroom, bathroom, and on the coffee table. Next, he dimmed the
lights and lit some candles. He decided the only music they needed
was coming from down below their open balcony as the island barrel
drums continued to beat long into the night joined with the lullaby
of the surf.
    Quinn looked at his watch. Lily had another
five minutes to go. He popped the cork of the nearest champagne
bottle and poured himself a glass, tossed it down, and poured
another. He looked at his watch. Time’s up.

    After Quinn left, Lily picked up her Nook
book from the night table, fluffed a pillow, and began to read.
Exactly fifteen minutes later, Quinn, true to his word, knocked at
the door.
    “May I come in?”
    “Not right now, I'm busy, I'll be there in a
moment,” she replied and continued to read her book.
    Fifteen minutes later an impatient Quinn
knocked at the door again.
    “Are you all right?”
    He tried the doorknob. It was locked. “What
are you doing?”
    “Painting my fingernails.”
    Silence on the other side as Quinn quietly
beat his head against the door. Resting his forehead against it, he
said, “You're, kidding – right?” not exactly sure if she were or
not until he heard her giggle.
    Thinking that she had teased Quinn long
enough, Lily jumped out of her dress and petticoats in one big
swoop. She, too, was ready in about fifteen seconds as she gently
pulled the fragile lacy gown carefully over her head. She

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