Forgotten Royalty (Escaping The Throne)

Forgotten Royalty (Escaping The Throne) by Tiffany Wood Page A

Book: Forgotten Royalty (Escaping The Throne) by Tiffany Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Wood
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that you would allow me to possibly put you in a dress. It’s not as fun to
dress a boy.” We both laugh at that one.
    “You don’t want to put me in like a ball gown do you?”
    She smiles, “Not today. I was thinking more of a sundress.” She holds
up a beautiful blue sundress.
    “I would be honored to wear that dress for you.” She helps me put it on
and zips it up in the back.
    She has a pair of flat dress shoes to match. “I didn’t see any heels in
your closet last night so I thought you may be more comfortable with these. If
you would like, we can go shopping for some other clothes later this evening.”
    I look at her with a huge smile. “I would love that. My aunt never really
took me shopping. She either buys me clothes I won’t wear, or gives me cash to
buy my own clothes.”
    She smiles back, “It’s settled then. Now let’s head downstairs, breakfast
is waiting.”

Damian’s POV
    Dad and I are waiting patiently at the breakfast table. Mom said she
was going to get Sara up for breakfast and that they would be down in about ten
minutes. Dad clears his throat as mom enters the room. We stand up and I look
over to see Sara. I’m speechless. I’ve never seen her as beautiful as she looks
right now. My mother had given her a beautiful sundress and has pulled her hair
back into a bun. “Damian, put your tongue back in your mouth son, you’re
soaking the floor.”
    I clear my throat and run over to pull out Sara’s chair. “Thank you.”
    As I slide her in I lean down to her ear, “You look amazing.” I rush
back to my seat as my mother sends me a warning glance. I shoot her a thought,
“You never said I couldn’t compliment her. You’re not exactly making it easy
you know.” We both laugh at our private conversation.
    “Would the two of you like to share with the class? It’s not polite to
have private conversations at the breakfast table.” Dad growls lightly. Mom
sends dad a private thought of her own. “I stand corrected. It’s not polite for
children to hold private conversations.” We all laugh at that. “How did you
sleep Sara?”
    She looks down at her plate, “Soundly my lord.”
    Mom and Dad are both laughing. “Sara, I’m glad that you are so eager to
please. You can call me Curt here. From what Damian has told us, you’ve had a
very eventful week and unfortunately, it’s not over yet. We would like to try
to link with your mind so that we can see from your perspective the events that
have occurred. I assure you it doesn’t hurt and it takes very little effort on
your part. Will you allow us to attempt this so we can have a better
understanding of what happened?” Dad was desperate for answers but he would not
force her to show them. “If that would help you m- Curt, then I would be happy
to allow it.” He smiles up at her. “It’s settled then. After breakfast, we’ll
retire to the sitting room and begin.”
    As we enter the sitting room, Mom informs us that she is going to retire
for a short while to get rid of her jet lag. I knew that meant she had stayed
up late with Dad figuring out how best to handle the situation. “Sara, if
you’ll have a seat. Just sit back and relax.” Dad tries to link for a minute.
“Sara, is there something wrong?”
    She looks up, “I’m just having a little bit of trouble relaxing. I’ll
try again.”
    Dad watches her as she puts her head back against the couch, she slowly
relaxes her muscles. Dad tries again, still nothing. “Damian, how do you get
this child to relax enough to read her?” He thinks to me.
    “Well, before I bit her, I mostly got bits n’ pieces unless we were
locked in a gaze.” Dad looks confused. “Sara, I want to try something different.
I want you to look into my eyes and just relax.” She opens her eyes and stares
straight into Dad’s. As she does this, I can feel the mind link between them.
It’s amazing. I feel power passing between them. “I see. You have an
extraordinary gift Sara.

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