dragging her to the doors caught her. Noticing Kip, the jerk holding her seemed to falter for a split second before he started talking trash again. Caila wondered if the man had any good sense at all. Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Kip Morgan might appear to be relaxed to someone who didn’t know him well, but she wasn’t one of the uninformed.
Kip wasn’t a man you wanted to trifle with. Growing up in a house filled with boys, he’d learned at an early age to hold his own. She’d seen his strength and agility displayed many times over the years, his hard work on the ranch and their commercial grade home gym kept him in peak physical condition. When she saw the telltale twitch of the muscles around his jaw, a sure sign he was grinding his teeth together in frustration, she knew things were about to go over the edge. Oh yeah, this is going nowhere fast.
Once, when Brandt had been home on leave, he’d teased her about her latest disaster. “Don’t worry, Calamity, it’s just another SNAFU.” When she’d questioned him about the acronym, he’d laughed as he explained, “Situation normal, all fucked up.” He’d leaned down and tapped her on the nose. “See, my little Mistress of Mayhem, even the SEALs have a term for you.” Even though she’d known he was teasing, his words had stung.
Another sharp pull of her hair by the jerk who’d yanked off her wig and torn her bustier made her stagger. The pain searing over her scalp was so sharp it blurred her vision for several seconds, and brought her attention back to her latest SNAFU. Well, this sucks big green donkey dicks. I’m going to have to suck it up and admit Brandt was right. The asshole holding her was yammering about going outside. She tuned him out, until Kip’s question about being whipped shocked her back to awareness.
The thought of this man whipping her was terrifying. She felt her eyes fill with tears despite her best effort to hold them back. Caila had always known how each and every one of the Morgan brothers reacted to her tears, but she’d never exploited their reaction. Even as a kid, she had wanted their respect, not their pity.
Caila knew Kip considered her an annoyance, but she was convinced he wouldn’t hesitate to make sure she was safe. Of course, right now that meant protecting her from the jerk manhandling her, not safe from him…and she didn’t even want to think about the chat this situation was going to initiate. Yes, indeed…she’d tumbled into another mess head-first without even trying.
Fuck a three-legged duck, this time, my fall might not involve broken bones or stitches, but it’s still going to be epic.
Chapter Ten
A spen was floating on the cusp of blissful oblivion and basking in the warmth spreading over the surface of her skin as the relentless slap of the flogger heated her all the way to her core. The first strikes were so gentle she’d wondered if she’d imagined them, but they’d increased in intensity quickly, before Phoenix whispered, “Let’s see how good your self-control is, sweet goddess. Do. Not. Come.”
She learned quickly how much more powerful the sensations were when the intensity was random. The anticipation was all consuming, she was completely lost in the moment. The blindfold didn’t keep her from knowing the difference between Mitch and Phoenix’s touches. Mitch’s was lighter…more about seduction, while Phoenix’s was firmer. She suspected he was the stricter of the two.
She’d read everything she could get her hands on about the lifestyle as soon as she learned her friends were sexual Dominants. The collection of BDSM books, both fiction and non-fiction on her e-reader, would make the Library of Congress envious. After meeting Mitch Ames, she’d re-read most of the titles and by the time she’d discovered Phoenix Morgan was also a Dom she’d been able to identify the clues in his messages.
Mitch’s dominance had been far more elusive when they first
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