God's Word in My Heart

God's Word in My Heart by Paul J. Loth Page B

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Authors: Paul J. Loth
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John 9:1-34

    When something good happens to you, do you want to tell
    Whom do you tell?
    A man could not see. He had always been blind.
    One day Jesus helped the man see. He was very happy.
    He told the people what Jesus did for him.
    We can tell our friends how Jesus helps us, too. This is how
we share about Jesus.
    Show me how to share ways You have helped me.
All I know is that I used to be blind, but now I can see!
John 9:25
Standing Up for God
Exodus 32; Acts 4—5

    When has a friend stood up for you?
    How did you feel?
    Moses stood up for God. He spoke to the people. He said to
worship on l y God.
    Peter told about Jesus. Some leaders told him to be quiet.
But he was not. He stood up for Jesus.
    We can stand up for Jesus, too. We can be like Moses and
    Help me to be strong and brave for You.
If you tell others that you belong to me, I will tell my father in heaven
that you are my followers.
Matthew 10:32
Telling Our Friends We Love Them
John 13:3435; Philippians 1:3–8; 1 Thessalonians 2:19–20

    When was the last time told you they love you?
    How did you feel?
    People can tell we love Jesus. We should be kind to one
another. Then people will know that we love Jesus. Paul did more than that. He
told his friends he loved them. He showed them he loved them.
    We should show our friends that we love the. God likes it
when we love each other.
    Help me tell my friends I love them.
If you love each other, everyone will know you are my disciples.
John 13:35
Using Our Opportunities
Acts 8:26-39

    Have you ever had a chance to do something you really wanted
to do?
    How did you feel?
    Philip saw a man reading the Bible. The man did not
understand what he was reading. Philip told him. Philip told him about Jesus.
    God gave Philip a chance. Philip used his chance. He told
about Jesus.
    God gives us chances, too. We should be ready. We can tell
what Jesus means to us.
    Give me a chance to tell a friend about Jesus.
We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so that you may share in
this life with us.
1 John 1:3
Getting the Point Across
Luke 11:5-8

    When was the last time you had a hard time getting your
point across to your parents?
    What did you do?
    God loves us. He wants what is best for us. He will give us
what we need.
    Jesus told a story: A friend knocks on our door. It is the
middle of the night. “Let me borrow some food,” he says. We say, “ Go away.” He keeps knocking. Finally , we get the food.
    Jesus explained the story. If we would help a friend, God
will surely give us what we need.
    Give me the faith to keep praying.
So I tell you to ask and you will receive.
Luke 11:9
A Picture of a Prayer Warrior
Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 6:12-16; 22:39-46

    Whom do you know who prays a lot?
    When does that person pray?
    Jesus prayed about many things. He p rayed
about His friends. He prayed the night before He died.
    Jesus asked God what to do. He listened to what God to l d Him. God helped Him do the right thing.
    Help me pray every day this week.
Never stop praying.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
A Picture Perfect Prayer
Luke 11:2 - 4

    How do you learn something new?
    Jesus showed us how to pray. We can copy Him.
    Jesus prayed the Lord ’ s
Prayer. This special prayer teaches us how to pray.
    We should praise God. Next, ask Him to forgive our sins.
Then we can ask God to help us.
Pr a y
    Help me to learn how to pray.
Morning, noon, and night, you hear my concerns and my complaints.
Psalm 55:17
Pray and Believe
Matthew 21:20 - 22

    Have you ever asked for something that you did not really
believe you would get?
    God loves us. He will do what is best for us. When we ask
God for things, we can believe this.
    God will answer our prayers. Jesus said we must have faith.
If we have faith, we can te l l a mountain to move.
It will move!
    When we have faith, we can pray and God will

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