you run on your handheld device. If you run the Zaurus operating system, for example, you have more choices for software than you do if you choose the Pocket PC operating system.
One thing is safe to say: You don’t want to run wireless-hacking tools on a desktop. You may want to store NetStumbler files on the desktop, but the desktop is not really portable. The key thing to think about when choosing your hardware is portability. When performing hacking tests, you must be able to walk around your office building or campus, so a desktop is probably not the best choice. However, we know of people who use mini-towers in their cars for wardriving (discussed later in this chapter), but we don’t recommend it!
The personal digital assistant
Because of its portability, a PDA is the perfect platform for wardriving — but not for tasks requiring processing power. You want to get a PDA that uses either the ARM, MIPS, or SH3 processor. We recommend the Hewlett-Packard iPAQ (ARM processor), the Hewlett-Packard Jornada (SH3 processor), or the Casio MIPS for wardriving. These are handy devices since someone was kind enough to develop network discovery software for these platforms.
ARM’s processor technology has been licensed by more than 100 parties, so you should easily find a solution you like. It’s so easy, in fact, that you would better spend your time choosing the right operating system for your needs. We tell you more about operating systems in the software section of this chapter.
The portable or laptop
PDAs are great, but, typically, ethical hackers use laptops. Laptops have dropped dramatically in price the last few years, so they have become more accessible. You don’t need a lot of processing power, but, to paraphrase Tim 09_597302_ch04.qxd 8/4/05 7:00 PM Page 45
Chapter 4: Amassing Your War Chest
Allen, more power is better. You can use almost any operating system, including Windows 98, although you will find you get better results when using a newer and supported operating system. In addition to the laptop, you need the following components to get maximum results from your ethical hacking: ߜ Hacking software
ߜ A wireless network interface card (NIC) that can be inserted into your laptop — preferably one with an external antenna jack
ߜ External antenna (directional or omnidirectional) with the proper pigtail cable to connect your external antenna to your wireless NIC
ߜ Portable global positioning system (GPS)
ߜ DC power cable or DC to AC power inverter to power your laptop from your car’s 12-volt DC cigarette lighter plug socket. These are widely available from RadioShack, Kmart, Staples, CompUSA, or Wal-Mart stores.
The next few sections discuss these components in greater detail.
Hacking Software
To do your job properly, you need a selection of freeware and commercial software. Fortunately, a glut of freeware programs is available, so you don’t need a champagne budget; a beer budget should suffice. In fact, if you are prepared to run more than one operating system, you can get by using only freeware tools. You need the following software to do all the hacking exercises in this book:
ߜ Partitioning or emulation software
ߜ Signal strength–testing software
ߜ Packet analyzer
ߜ Wardriving software
ߜ Password crackers
ߜ Packet injectors
Using software emulators
In a perfect world, all the tools available would work on the same operating system. But in the real world, that’s not the case. Many great tools operate on operating systems that are incompatible with each other. Very few of us, of course, are conversant with multiple operating systems. Also, few of us have 09_597302_ch04.qxd 8/4/05 7:00 PM Page 46
46 Part I: Building the Foundation for Testing Wireless Networks the money to support duplicate hardware and software. So, how can you use all these tools? You need to find a solution that allows you to run more than one operating system on the same machine.
To solve this
Charlotte Brontë
Brenda Woods
Dannika Dark
Rebecca Anthony Lorino, Rebecca Lorino Pond
Sherie Keys
Nicole Alexander
Jonathan Moeller
MJ Riley
Chris Dietzel
Mary Manners