Somehow, the idea that he wants to do it in public, that someone could come up at any moment, makes a thrill races through me.
Cole pulls down the front of my shirt and traces his tongue over my skin. I gasp, and when Cole’s mouth finds my breast, I can hardly stifle a moan of pleasure. He lets my shirt fall back into place and explores my body without undressing me, and somehow, the fact that he’s doing all this, making me feel this way with my clothes still on, makes it all the more sexy. He spreads my legs apart with his knee, his fingers moving up my thigh to trace the edge of my lace panties, wet with wanting him, and suddenly I don’t care about the people. A marching band could stomp up those stairs and it wouldn’t stop me from being with Cole. Right here, right now. I unclasp his belt buckle and pull his jeans loose around his hips.
When he enters me, it’s like I’ve been waiting for this moment, building to it, for a century. I cry out in agony and relief, and he smothers my mouth with a kiss so deep it feels like he’s reaching into my soul. Our bodies slide together, one being, and I realize I was wrong before about it being even better when he didn’t prime me for it. It’s different than the other times. This doesn’t feel like fucking. It doesn’t even feel like sex. It feels like making love.
“Rose . . .” Cole whispers.
I suck in deep, uneven breaths, trying to control my emotions, trying to choke down the desperate tears.
But when I look up at Cole, I realize his eyes are glistening too.
We lie tied up in each other’s arms, looking at the stars, until we hear twigs snapping and hurry to get dressed. And then we’re laughing and running hand in hand down the stone steps until we’re back in the hustle and bustle of the city. We catch a cab, and I lean into Cole’s warmth as we wind our way through the city to our hotel. I don’t want this day to end.
“Here’s your room key,” Cole says after he checks us into the hotel. “I think it’s down the hall from mine.”
I sputter for words. Of course we have separate rooms. And . . . we’re going to use them. Of course. I paste on a smile and take the keys from him.
“Thank you.”
“Your luggage should be in your room,” he adds.
I nod.
He hikes a thumb over his shoulder. “I just have to make some phone calls about tomorrow.”
“Oh. Right.” I smile brighter and heft my bag up. “See you later then.”
I think he might do it. Kiss me. I can see the conflict raging in his eyes. But the hotel is different than the streets, where he can be anonymous. They know who he is here. In the end, he gives me an apologetic smile. I walk away before he can see my face fall. He calls my name, but I don’t stop until I’m closed up in the elevator, bashing the force-close button until I’m finally alone. And then everything in me loosens. Shakes free. Collapses. I let it get too far. I let my feelings get tangled up in this.
This man is going to break my heart.
It’s two in the morning by the time I fall asleep, alone. I’ve only just drifted off when my phone buzzes. Cole.
“Yes?” I answer groggily.
“I need a favor.”
Anger washes over me and I have to remind myself that this is my job. I still work for him, even if he is doing things to me I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.
“Yes?” I repeat.
“Can you come here? Room 712.”
I hang up. I think about getting dressed, but instead wrap one of the hotel’s bathrobes around the tank top and shorts I wore to bed and pad down the hall. I hesitate before knocking. Oh, God. What if it’s another favor like the last time he needed my assistance late at night? What if Cole has a naked woman in his bed? I shake myself out. Cole wouldn’t be that dickish. Not now.
The door swings open with my hand still in the air, and Cole is there. His hair is dishevelled, but he’s still wearing the clothes he had on earlier. For a moment, I worry he’s been
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