Helmet Head

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Book: Helmet Head by Mike Baron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Baron
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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unframed poster of a hot chick straddling a chopper on the wall next to a similarly themed calendar, which was stuck on March two years ago. Telling himself he was only searching for the truck keys Fagan went through the clutter atop Fred’s bureau: an overstyled knife, a black leather Harley wallet attached to a chain containing forty-eight dollars in cash and one Citibank credit card. Fred’s license was up to date in Bullard County. A peeling jewelry box held a selection of cheap gaudy biker jewelry: sterling silver skull rings, a couple of earrings. Brass knuckles.
    Fagan couldn’t remember if Fred wore earrings. He hadn’t been paying attention. He should have noticed.
    Fagan quickly went through the dresser drawers finding women’s lingerie and a snub-nosed .38 in a cigar box with a box of Federal cartridges. Was there anyone at the Kongo Klub who wasn’t packing?
    Maybe Macy.
    In the bottom drawer beneath neatly folded T-shirts lay an old spiral notebook. Fagan pulled it out and opened it. Fred wrote in block letters like a child.

    June 20. Stuck in the fuckin’ ER at Bullard County Med Center. Right leg fucked all to hell. I told the ambulanse peeple I hit a deer cause I tell them the truth they mite try lock me up. I was riding thru Milton’s Hollow 9:30 last night when I saw a big red headlight in my mirror. Before I knew it this freak was rite next to me trying to chop at me with a fucking sword. I knew who it was. I heard them rumors but I never beleeved them. I beleev them now. Helmet Head is real. I hit the ditch to avoyd getting chopped and that’s how I broke my leg. He woulda come back too excep right then a car came by and they phoned the hospital.

    That was the only entry. Fagan closed the spiral pad and replaced it in the bottom drawer. He opened the closet and found a complete set of leathers, chaps, vests, blue workshirts, jeans and a collection of boots. Fred had been a surprisingly neat housekeeper for a bachelor. There was a worn gray sports jacket. Fagan methodically went through all the pockets picking up another five bucks in change but nothing of interest.
    He sat on the double-sized bed. The night stand held an ashtray, and a stack of magazines: The Horse , Hustler , Back Yard Choppers , Tits and Ass and a lone copy of National Geographic featuring “Miscellaneous Marsupials Indigenous to Outer Australia.”
    Fagan pulled open the drawer. Cigs, matches, Cue-tips, a bottle of K-Y, a baggie of reefer and some Zig-Zag rolling papers. Fagan pulled out the papers. Proof positive Jesus was a head. There he was on every package of Zig-Zags smoking a joint. Fagan sat on the bed and looked around the room, seeing what Fred saw. There was one small north-facing window and a lurid Harley rug made out of some cheap synthetic. A Harley blanket covered the bed. “No Cages,” it said. It was Harley’s latest advertising meme. Fagan laughed. A car was not a cage. It was a vehicle. You could always dive out the open windows. Bikers loved their slogans.
    Live to ride, ride to live.
    If you can read this the bitch fell off.
    Fagan looked under the pillow. He got down on his knees and looked under the bed. Four books were stacked among the dust bunnies. He stretched and fished them out, sitting down on the bed with the books in his lap.
    Hitler and the Occult , The Occult Roots of Nazism ; Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazism , and Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult . The first book was marked with a torn piece of paper. Fagan opened it to the mark. “The Spear of Destiny.”

    As a struggling artist in Vienna, Hitler became obsessed with the Grail legend, Parsifal, and undertook a study of the supernatural powers of the Spear of Destiny, so named because it had been used to pierce Christ’s side as he hung from the cross and was said to have great occult power. Possession of the spear meant the power to rule the world. Its loss meant immediate death.

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