Her Dragon Hero

Her Dragon Hero by Angela Castle Page A

Book: Her Dragon Hero by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
Tags: Erotic Romance/Paranormal
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welcome the news, even after everything he told her?
    “You think you love me?”
    Damn it, like it or not, she couldn’t deny what was in her heart. “I do love you.”
    He lowered his head and swiped his tongue over her nipple, which hardened to a point of pain, making her gasp.
    “Say it again.” The vibration of his voice on her skin sent shivers through her body.
    She blinked, but complied. “I love you, Brimstone the Crusher.”
    He licked at her skin, working his way up her throat which she arched back, baring it to him in surrender. He nipped then sucked at where he bit her a few hours earlier in the waterhole.
    “I love you.”
    He spread her thighs wide with his legs. She moaned loudly while he pushed his hard length into her in one stroke, filling her
    “This is forever, baby, you and I. No 'maybe' or 'let’s see' shit. You are mine! Say it.”
    He pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in. Her eyes rolled back in the pure bliss of the friction he caused within her.
    “Yours!” The word burst out. “Oh, god, Brim, I’m yours.”
    His rumble of satisfaction would have made her laugh if not for his steady pumping, forcing her to take every long inch of him, hitting all the right spots. She utterly loved it.
    Bliss rocked her body, and she shook with the force of her climax, her scream filling the air. Hazily, she knew from experience, he was far from finished, and as far as she was concerned, neither was she. She knew she would never get enough of her big, red dragon.

Chapter 9
    It was a good thing the demons Breylla sent on the kill mission died, or she would have finished the job herself for their failure. Anger bubbled in her like an overheated caldron. Breylla drew in a deep breath, knowing outbursts of rage didn’t help the situation.
    But, the same couldn’t be said for her current dragon ally, whose mottled, red face could light up the darkness of hell as he roared.
    “You sent incompetent fools after them! If the King finds out about this arrangement, we’re all dead!” he bellowed inches from her face. She snapped her fingers, and two of her demon guards marched forward, grabbing the angry dragon, yanking him back.
    “It does not matter. Half my army is now on the other side of the portal. Anyone who dares go through from either side will be overwhelmed. The two dragons are insignificant.”
    Her guards let him go as soon as he was enough distance away. “Insignificant enough to kill eight of your best fighting demons! I’m warning you, if you don’t dispose of them, they will bring trouble.”
    She scowled, knowing Javir may have a point. Her gaze swung to the silent, ex-human, sitting silently by the right wall of her throne room.
    “Marcus, approach.” The human she plucked from the realm and killed, only to reanimate with demon blood, obeyed. He was now her little, human puppet. She chose him for the wealth and power he held and, with his ambition for immortality and power, it was easy to bend his mind to her will.
    “Do you still have all your resources in the Human Realm?”
    “Of course, my princess. Everything is functioning and at your disposal.”
    “Then go, and no messing around with schemes and plans. Just kill them the quickest way you know how.”
    He inclined his head. “It will be done.”
    He walked from the room, and she turned her attention back to Javir who also watched Marcus leave.
    “How can a mere human kill two dragons?”
    “Because he is a mere human, they won’t see him coming. Now, go and be ready. I want the rest of my army through in the next twenty-four hours. With the coming of the full moon, when our power is the strongest, we attack, and the Human Realm will at last fall.”
    Javir, calmer now, nodded. “Then, it will be the end of the portals between the hell realms, and a human one can be re-established.”
    “As our deal, Javir, I will make sure dragons and humans can never mix again. I will give you enough power and magic to

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