Assault Cruisers, and Corellian
-class Star Defenders, we have sufficient firepower to engage the Yuuzhan Vong in multiple theaters.”
Sovv nodded tentatively. “How do the enemy ships compare to our signature ships?”
Nylykerka glanced at durasheet notes. “Rated by size and armament, the fleet is comprised of warship analogs, cruisers, destroyers, troop carriers, frigates, corvettes, and gunboats, along with starfighter analogs known as coralskippers. Reconnaissance reports indicate that the more recently arrived Yuuzhan Vong vessels are comparable in size and firepower to
Star Destroyers.”
A Yuuzhan Vong warship took shape above the light table. “The command ship at Obroa-skai,” Nylykerka said. “Myriad areas of its yorik coral surface are capable of unleashing destructive energy on the order of that delivered by our most powerful turbolaser and ion cannons. The vessel does not so much erect shields as employ gravitic anomalies to engulf or deflect anything directed against it. The anomalies are engineered by organic devices called dovin basals, which also combine the functions of repulsorlift, sublight, and hyperspace drives.”
Nylykerka used a laser pointer to indicate the slender projections that emanated from the command ship’s bow and stern. “The arms are also equipped with plasmalaunchers, sealed at the tips by organic, trefoil valves. What’s more, each carries the equivalent of a wing of coralskippers, which are similarly shielded and capable of firing projectiles or plasma. It was initially believed that the coralskippers were remotes, like the old Trade Federation droid starfighters or Loronar Corporation’s CCIRs, but in fact they are individually piloted—or at least to a certain extent. By that I mean that combat tactics seem to be directed by a creature known as a yammosk, or war coordinator, which serves as a kind of biotic battle analysis computer.”
The laser pointer called attention to irregularities on the command ship’s hull. “We have not been able to determine why some portions of the ship are smooth. However, certain markings observed on the smooth areas suggest similarities to the symbols and glyphs often seen on the ovoid vessels of the Aing-Tii monks. We believe that they might serve as indicators of lineage or status rather than military rank.”
Legorburu broke the stunned silence of the commanders.
“Since entering the Tingel Arm, the Yuuzhan Vong have been moving oblique to the Core. The attack on Obroa-skai may mark the beginning of a push into the Mid Rim, but it would be premature to speculate at this point.”
“Well, someone had better start speculating,” A’baht growled. “We can’t remain on the defensive indefinitely.”
Legorburu wedged a finger into the collar of his uniform and continued. “Should the Yuuzhan Vong adhere to their current heading, without significant deviationfrom the ecliptic, they will pass outward of the Hapes Cluster, and perhaps Kashyyyk. But the Meridian sector, Hutt space, Bothawui, Rodia, and Ryloth lie almost directly in their path.”
A’baht’s swelling eyes took in the room. “Does anyone here actually believe that the Yuuzhan Vong are merely passing through, destroying worlds and sacrificing populations on a whim?” When no one answered, he added, “What are our options if they swing toward the Core?”
Nylykerka directed the holoprojector to display a disposition of the main fleets. “Admiral Pellaeon has returned the ships under his command to the Imperial Remnant to safeguard it from invasion. Elements of the Third and Fourth Fleets are spread along the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route. Most of the Second Fleet is positioned Coreward of the Hapes Cluster, near Borleias. Elements of the First and Fifth are deployed at Coruscant, Kuat, Chandrila, Commenor, and Fondor.”
“Fleet strength and disposition get us only so far,” Sovv said after a moment. “It’s more important
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