Holding Haley (The West Contemporary Romance Series)

Holding Haley (The West Contemporary Romance Series) by Jill Sanders Page A

Book: Holding Haley (The West Contemporary Romance Series) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
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on Dash and take it easy,” he told Wes.
    By the end of the workday, Wes was wondering why he’d wanted to get on a horse so soon after surgery in the first place.
    His thighs hurt at his incision points. Hell, even his groin was pounding like a mother. He knew he was going to be covered in bruises by tomorrow morning. When he hobbled back into his place, he threw a large bag of frozen peas on his crotch and watched the news from the couch.
    He wished for a beer, but he’d forgotten to grab one on his way to the couch. When he felt himself nodding off, he walked into the kitchen, grabbed a fresh bag of peas, and fell into bed.
    That night he dreamed of dark-haired babies with green eyes and his chin. He dreamed of a large spread filled with animals and children. The next morning, he was half showered before he realized the nightmare hadn’t come last night.
    For the first time in a year, he’d slept the whole night through without remembering, and it was all because of what he wanted for his future. Now he just needed to secure that future and persuade Haley to go along for the ride.
    He spent the morning on the phone, trying to move his loan process ahead. The VA had approved the place he’d picked, but it seemed he needed more paperwork for the bank to guarantee the loan.
    It was around noon when he drove away from his folks’ place, a folder of needed paperwork next to him on the seat. He decided to swing by Mama’s for some lunch and smiled when he saw Haley’s car parked out front.
    When he walked in, he saw her sitting in a back booth, a book pulled up close to her face. Waving at Alex as he walked by, he sat across from Haley and smiled when she looked up at him.
    “ How’s it going?” He tilted his head and looked at the title of the book and the half-naked couple embracing on the cover. “Since when did you start reading these?” He plucked the book from her hands and glanced at the text. His eyebrows shot up and a smile crossed his face. When he looked back at Haley, he could see that her cheeks had turned a little pink.
    She shrugged her shoulders and smiled a little. “Since you left.”
    “Hmmm, I wish they had these overseas.” He laughed and set the book down just as Haley’s food was delivered.
    “ What can I get you?” Alex asked.
    He looked at what Haley had. The large turkey sandwich, complete with home fries and white gravy made his stomach growl loudly. “That looks great. I’ll have the same.”
    “How are you feeling today?” Haley asked once her sister was gone.
    “ A little sore, but I’ll survive.” He handed the book back to her and leaned forward. “How about you swing by later tonight and we’ll try . . .” He tapped the book and winked. He was pleased to see her face flush even more.
    “ I can’t tonight.” She looked down at their joined hands. “I’m babysitting Ricky. Lauren and Chase are having date night.”
    He smiled. “Well, how about I come over and keep you company?”
    She looked at him. “There will be a two-year-old in the house.”
    He chuckled. “I can control my urges around the kid. It’ll be fun.”
    She shook her head and smiled, “If you want to hang out with a two-year-old. I warn you, there will be Scooby Doo playing on the TV, toys all over the floor, and . . .” She smiled. “Peanut butter and jelly for dinner.”
    “ Sounds wonderful.” He squeezed her hand, meaning it.
    After lunch, he excused himself and left Haley in the diner. He walked across the street to the bank so he could hand deliver the paperwork they needed for his loan. When he walked through the glass doors, he inwardly groaned when he spotted Savannah standing in the short line.
    When she saw him, her eyes lit up and she straightened her back so her breasts stuck out even more. She was wearing a red and white sundress that showcased what most men thought of as her best assets. Her red heels made them stand almost eye-to-eye. When he stepped closer to her, her rich

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