Säpo,’ Eden explained.
Dennis sat down next to Alex.
‘What’s the plan?’
‘If we call SAS, they will put us through to the plane. Don’t ask me how – it’s already passed over both Sweden and Norway.’
‘Where’s it going to land?’
‘We’ve spoken to the Norwegians, and they’re happy to accept the plane if the pilot turns back.’
Eden picked up the phone again and keyed in a number that she had written down on a piece of paper. She switched to speakerphone and put down the receiver. After three rings the call was
answered, then redirected.
Erik, Alex thought.
B ut it was Karim Sassi who answered, not Erik. Of course. It was obvious that the officer in charge would answer when the police called.
Eden introduced herself, and explained that Alex and Dennis were listening in. Karim’s responses were brief, but the line was clear and they had no difficulty in hearing what he said.
‘What’s the atmosphere like on board?’ Eden asked.
‘Same as usual.’
Eden frowned.
‘I’m sorry?’
‘Nobody knows what’s happening except the crew.’
‘Okay, let me rephrase the question. What’s the atmosphere like among the crew?’
There was a rushing sound on the line.
‘We’re fine.’
‘Nobody has gone to pieces?’ Dennis said.
‘Good,’ Eden said.
She clicked on her computer as she carried on speaking.
‘What’s your course at the moment?’
‘We’re still on autopilot, on course for New York.’
Alex hadn’t thought about that. Should they still be heading for the USA, or would it be a good idea to stay away?
‘You haven’t considered an alternative route, in view of what has happened?’ Eden said.
‘But you had requested extra fuel before you took off?’
‘Yes. Storms are forecast for New York.’
‘How many hours are we talking about?’ Dennis asked, wanting to double check the information they had been given earlier.
‘I have enough fuel for just under twelve more hours.’
Alex felt his blood pressure plummet. Twelve hours wasn’t very long for two governments to accede to two impossible demands.
‘Karim, you’re doing brilliantly,’ Eden said. ‘We have a suggestion that we would like to put to you, and we would ask you to think it over.’
There was something impressive about the hierarchy that now became apparent; Alex hadn’t thought about it before. Eden Lundell, one of Säpo’s most senior representatives, was
calling the pilot of an SAS plane and making a suggestion. Not giving an order or a directive, but making a suggestion. Because while he was at the controls of Flight 573, Karim Sassi alone was
‘Are you listening?’ Eden said when Karim didn’t reply.
‘I’m listening.’
And Eden began to explain.
‘No,’ Karim Sassi said.
Time stood still inside the glass cube. Alex asked himself whether they could have foreseen Karim’s reaction, but he thought not. It was entirely unexpected.
‘No?’ Eden said.
‘The answer is no. I am not prepared to go against the hijackers’ instructions and bring down the plane. I would be jeopardising the safety of everyone on board.’
Alex saw Eden swallow hard. She rested her elbows on the desk and put her head in her hands. When she looked up her expression was dark. She wasn’t used to being contradicted.
‘Karim, listen to me.’ It was clear that she was having to make a real effort not to sound angry. ‘We share your concerns, but as I said there are a number of logical arguments
which suggest that the hijackers would have far too much to lose by blowing up the plane in mid-air. It takes time to land, and that would give the hijackers the chance to protest. In which case
you just take the plane back up again.’
A scraping noise came from the speaker.
‘I’m not doing it,’ Karim said. ‘What happens if one of the hijackers is on board, and panics? We might end up with a hostage situation. Someone could get hurt. We have
Faith Sullivan
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