
Hunte by Rie Warren Page B

Book: Hunte by Rie Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rie Warren
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action and graciously thanked her opponent for waiting for her.
    She was aggravatingly unconcerned about me.
    I set my hip against the table and folded my arms across my chest. “Walker is my houseguest.” My very unwelcome asshole houseguest. I hoped he didn’t think I was changing sheets or putting out fresh towels for him.
    “No prob,” she said, still annoyingly blasé.
    “Hang on a sec.” I pulled her around by her waist. “Are you seeing other people?”
    “Are you?”
    “Me either. I don’t sleep around just like I said before, if that’s what’s got you all hot and bothered.”
    “Yeah, that’s got me hot and bothered. I don’t sleep around either.” Anymore .
    “But c’mon, we were only together twice.” She twirled the pool stick and tapped me on the chest with it.
    “Excuse me? We were together a lot more than that.”
    Her cheeks flushed and her onyx gaze danced from my eyes to my mouth. “We were together two nights, and we fucked a lot both times. But that doesn’t mean we’ve exchanged promise rings or anything.”
    “Right.” The muscle in my jaw leaped. Taking the pool cue from her grip, I marched her outside, her elbow in my hand.
    When I got her into the vacated parking lot, I crowded her back against the concrete wall of the building. I braced my hands on either side of her head and bent my knees until I was face level with her. She shivered, and I didn’t know if it was from the cold or the situation but I took off my leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
    “We might not have exchanged promise rings or whatever—and maybe it was only two nights—but I’m not fucking around with you—”
    “Well, technically you are . . . fucking around with me.” Her head tilted to the side, she watched me with wary amusement.
    “Jessica,” I growled her name. “Getting attached is a very bad idea.”
    Her lips popped open, but I placed my fingers against her mouth. “I really like you. Not as a fling. And on the one hand I want to keep you safe, on the other I want to keep you in my bed permanently.”
    “Well, that would make it difficult for me to go to work,” she mumbled around my fingers, her eyes twinkling like night stars.
    With a groan, I scooped her to me. “You’re impossible.”
    “So I’ve been told. But I work with five-year-olds all week long. I’ve gotta get it out somehow.” She pressed up and her warm lips skimmed from my jaw to my ear. She caught my earlobe between her lips, nibbling lightly. “I really like you too.”
    I reared back. “You do?”
    With a smile, she said, “Let’s review the evidence, shall we? I just let you interrupt my pool game, twice. I didn’t kick you out of my bed last night. I gave you a stellar blowjob, and I don’t just pull out those mad skills for everyone, Hunter.”
    The promise of her words sent a flash of excruciating heat to my groin, and inside my jeans my cock surged and ached. Her face cupped in my hands, I bent low to kiss the soft heat of her mouth. Her lips moved in sync with mine, and when I trapped her tongue in my mouth, she moaned.
    The door to Retribution opening and slamming shut beside us dragged us apart. Walker glanced over, flipping his long braid out of his army-issued canvas jacket.
    “I’ve seen enough, Kemosabe.”
    “Get lost already.” I hid Jessica’s face against my shoulder.
    “You don’t want to introduce us?”
    “Fuck. Off.”
    He ambled away, whistling a low tune.
    “So”—Jessica turned my face to hers—“get everything out of your system with me?”
    “Not everything.” With a press of my hips, I brought her pelvis in contact with my hard erection.
    “What about everything else?” she whispered, her arms looped behind my neck where she toyed with my hair. “Because you’re kind of possessive.”
    “Sorry.” I grinned sheepishly.
    “I don’t think you are at all.”
    “You got me. I’m not usually like this, though, with chicks.” Her slim

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