
Illumine by Alivia Anders Page B

Book: Illumine by Alivia Anders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alivia Anders
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    "Nothing is going to h-"
    "I'l tel you what's going to happen. Someone is going to
    find out what you are and use you like the weapon you are meant
    to be. They're going to drop you in the middle of a war zone and
    expect you to clear it without hesitation. Are you prepared to
    defend yourself against the masses of demonic creatures intend on
    kiling you to save their own skin?"
    With a shove I released him from his prison, the fire
    pushing him back halfway across the backyard. He colapsed onto
    the ground gasping for air, the picture reminding me of a fish out of
    water. "Don't you ever bring my Mother into this ever again.
    He stood up and examined the cluster of burns and
    lacerations covering his body. "Now that's the kind of power I was
    talking about," he said while prodding at a deep cut on his forearm.
    Slowly he let his arm dissolve into nothing and reappear intact and
    unharmed, flexing his fingers for good measure. "Was that so
    "You're impossible," I muttered and turned back and went
    inside before I let loose on Kayden again. Only next time I'd
    probably do more than leave him with a couple of cuts and burns.
    The next morning I sat in English hunched over my desk,
    scribbling violently on a paper. I was starting to feel the drain of my
    scribbling violently on a paper. I was starting to feel the drain of my
    inconsistent emotional state. Food had lost its appeal and sleep
    was something only the dead were capable of achieving.
    A polite cough sounded behind me. "That was a pretty
    picture, you know."
    I turned up and looked to my side. Leo sat on the edge of
    my desk with his arms light folded across his chest. Smal strands
    of his thick blonde hair hid most of his briliant blue eyes. He
    looked past me to the paper strewn across my desk, one of my
    eye drawings staring unseeing up at both of us. Smal scribbles
    criss-crossed over half of the eye, making it look like the eye was
    turning black with disease, violence, or murderous death.
    My shoulders rose and fel and I went back to making
    more scribbles across the details of the iris. "Yeah, I thought it was
    a good picture at one point too. Too bad we're al disilusioned."
    His hand reached out gently to take the pencil from my
    hand. "There's no ilusion in your art, only exposed truth." With a
    swift move he snapped the pencil in half over his knee and placed
    both broken pieces on top of my picture. "You look upset.
    Everything okay?"
    I bit back the sigh I ached to let out, to spil every single
    detail of my unforgiving nightmare that I was nothing more than a
    blessed dragon in human skin. Since the night of the bonfire Leo
    seemed to be everywhere I didn't want him to be. We ran into
    each other in the hals, classes, were assigned as project partners,
    anywhere I looked he'd be nearby. As if some kind of gravitational
    pul kept him in my personal orbit, teasing me with things I couldn't
    have. It could have been doable if Ursula wasn't constantly glued
    have. It could have been doable if Ursula wasn't constantly glued
    to his hip, shooting daggers at me at any given chance.
    I stole a quick glance around the room. No sight of her
    overly blonde hair. "Shouldn't you be with your precious porcelain
    His jaw set for a moment before he roled his shoulders
    and let out a smal breath. "It's nice to get away from the things that
    suffocate you sometimes. But you stil haven't answered my
    I gave him a bitter smile. "If I told you what was wrong
    you'd cal me crazy."
    "Normalcy is overrated." He learned further onto my desk,
    closing the distance between us until he was hovering above me.
    "You'd be surprised by how many people hide secrets in this
    My stomach gave a little rol as I tried to figure out just
    what he meant by hiding secrets. Heat came off of his skin in
    waves, begging me to come closer. An image of my fingers running
    along the skin of his palms, his arms, and up to his neck

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