needs, or merely the excitement of the day’s activities. I do know that the mating we had was a slow sensuous experience which changed my whole outlook on sex. Until then my sexual knowledge had consisted entirely of the rabbit-quick matings which satisfied Stella but which left me feeling as if I had been rapidly tried, tested and cast aside for a better model.
Heedless of the ash in our mouths and on our skin we kissed and fondled each other half into the night and even when it was over and I was feeling peaceful and warm inside, I lay in the occulting light of the flares and watched her fall off to sleep. She had passed the age when her beauty was at its height but she had a serene aura about her. Stella was all angles, hollow cheeks and thrusting aggressiveness. Tiptihani was soft and feminine – but at the same time she had a quiet sort of strength that was less evident than Stella’s but more deep-rooted and stable. I hoped I would never have to choose between the two women – the prospect was certainly rather unlikely considering our circumstances – because it would be an impossible choice. What I really wanted was a woman that combined the qualities of both Tiptihani and Stella.
I felt her stir and looked down. She was not asleep after all. She was studying me with her large brown eyes.
‘You didn’t like me,’ she stated firmly.
That’s not quite correct,’ I replied. ‘I liked it very much – you very much – it was just different to whatI’m used to that’s all. I’m not very sure of myself.’
She nodded.
‘That’s very true – I felt it. You’re not very good with women. Cave – you need good teacher. I could teach you but I like men to be strong with me. I don’t like to be strong one.
I was indignant with her.
‘Why do you say that? Didn’t I make enough decisions today?’
‘Decisions were made for you.’
I did not agree with that view and said so, but she merely turned over and went back to sleep without answering.
After a while I rose carefully to avoid waking her and picked my way using the intermittent patches of light, to the edge of the water. The sea was calm, still and black and just looking at it helped to quell the turbulence in my mind. I was trying to decide what we should do next. Stay where we were? We should soon run out of stores. Sail away again? I had no doubt the Soal would pick us up before we went a hundred metres. Go inland? That seemed the best idea, though there was no guarantee that we would be safer or less hungry there. Still, it was the best of the three choices and it would be interesting if nothing else. I had never seen a volcano before, let alone an active one throwing up fiery bouquets of flowers.
But why hadn’t the Soal come for us? I hoped there was something about the volcano or the island that was keeping them away.
this is the way of life within the form that is me
The lava flow had found its way down the westlip of the volcano and had reached the sea, forming a promontory out into the lagoon. It was this that had caused the steam. Those parts that were cool enough to walk upon were extremely sharp where blisters had burst and solidified and we decided that however much the occasional patches of cinders burnt the soles of our feet we would stick to walking on the ash.
Both Tiptihani and I were refreshed after the night’s rest and our sea legs had adjusted to solid ground. Early in the morning we had washed in the murky water and had begun to climb over the foothills towards the edge of the volcano. Soot was still spasmodically puffing out of the vent and the groaning and creaking of cooling rock assailed our ears from all directions, but the low growling of under-earth activity had ceased – at least for the time being. Clouds hung above the gaping mouth making it seem as though the mountain was about to swallow them as they swirled above it and I was reminded of a prehistoric beast come to life for a few
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