one hand into my hair and pulled my face close to his. Then his other hand was on my cheek and his lips were over mine. My hands moved to his hair and I clutched the short strands, holding on as he kissed me with more intensity.
Jason lifted his face and whispered, “I like spending time with you.” He kissed me again. “I like thinking about you.” Another kiss. He took his hand off my face to trail his finger from the lower part of my neck down the skin exposed by my V-neck sweater. “I like touching you.”
As he slid his finger across my skin, every nerve tingled, sending an SOS straight to my hormones. My heavy breaths made my chest rise, pressing my skin against his finger.
“Have you ever had that fantasy of shoving everything off the desk and getting it on right in an office?” I asked.
Jason’s gaze met mine, his eyes wide with surprise and desire. “I have a lot of fantasies about you, Indie.”
I glanced at my desk, then back at him. “Sounds cooler than it is, and I know there are some papers I need to have clients sign today.”
Linden Meadows’s responsibility bone strikes again. I’m so lame.
Jason leaned back. “Don’t worry. I’d be pissed at myself if I shoved a bunch of my paperwork to the floor, too.”
“How old are we again?” I quipped.
“Old enough to know better?”
“How boring.”
“We don’t have to do something silly like mess up your paperwork to have fun.”
Jason stood up. Then he lifted me and I fell against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He supported my weight by putting his hands under my backside, which brought zero complaints from me.
Jason held me at the perfect height, our faces level. He leaned in and kissed me again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that,” Jason whispered against my lips.
“Do you want to come over for trick-or-treating?” I blurted out.
Where the hell had that come from? It had nothing to do with making out. The only reason it was relevant was because I wanted to spend more time with him.
“That was random.” Jason squeezed my butt and I jumped.
“I just…” I stopped and leaned back, though I had nothing to lean against. “I have no clue why I thought of that right now.”
“You’re not as good at surprises as I am,” Jason said, teasing.
“I know. You must teach me your Jedi ways, Mr. Spock.”
“No!” Jason dropped me. Not hard. He kept his hands on my waist as I slid to the floor. “You didn’t just say that.”
“What? I thought all guys loved Star Wars?” I asked. Not to stereotype, but I’m pretty sure it’s true. Even those lame episodes that came out when we were young.
“Spock wasn’t in Star Wars,” Jason said. “He’s from Star Trek.”
“Whoa! Simmer down, dork.” I held my hands up between us. “Star Wars. Star Trek. Same difference.”
“I don’t even…can’t even.” Jason rubbed his hair with both hands until it stuck out in all directions, like a deranged scientist’s. Or a frustrated geek’s.
“Dude, you’re taking dork to a whole new level. Forget I said anything.”
“I can’t forget. This might be a deal breaker.”
“What?” I asked.
Jason lowered his hands to my waist and smiled. “Surprise! I’m kidding.”
“You’re a weirdo.” I tried to twist out of his grasp, but he held me still.
“What is Holden going to be for Halloween?”
“A zombie.” Because Holden wanted to be what Uncle Damien thought was cool.
I shrugged. “That’s what he said.”
“You guys are messed up.” Jason kissed my forehead.
I knew he was joking, but his comment deflated the giddiness I’d been feeling. Like a lot of parents, I obsess over how I’m raising my kid and how I’m shaping his world. He’d never seen any scary zombie shows or movies, but he heard Damien and me talk about zombies and the show The Walking Dead. We joked about eating brains. All in good fun.
But sometimes all it
Desiree Holt
Judith Millar
Harriet Evans
R.J McCabe
J.I.M. Stewart
Danielle Monsch
Madison Faye
Steph Shangraw
Edward Whittemore
Leona Wisoker